Published Mar 12, 2010
Hi, Would anyone know if there are currently RPN shortages in Manitoba, as I am interested in working in Winnipeg. I am an IEN and just wondered if there was a recruitment freeze in Manitoba like the rest of Canada.
Thanks, Nick.
8,343 Posts
You still need to meet provincial requirement for IEN for new province and pay any fees. However you shouldn't need to sit CPNRE again
What I was pointing out, was that some PN courses across the country are not as indepth as others. Traditionally PNs educated in BC had deficiencies in their A&P course work and on some screening procedures that are part of an LPNs education and working life in other provinces. I personally know three LPNs who were educated in BC and had to undergo the additional education when they moved to AB.
So the poster may have met the requirements for BC but would be considered lacking in other provinces. Additional education to meet provincial guidelines is the applicant's responsibility and will only be determined by the College in the "new" province.
CPNRE as is CRNE is aimed at the lowest educational standards across the country. It is a base line for entry and doesn't necessarily cover material that is specifically required in certain provinces.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
What I was pointing out, was that some PN courses across the country are not as indepth as others. Traditionally PNs educated in BC had deficiencies in their A&P course work and on some screening procedures that are part of an LPNs education and working life in other provinces. I personally know three LPNs who were educated in BC and had to undergo the additional education when they moved to AB.So the poster may have met the requirements for BC but would be considered lacking in other provinces. Additional education to meet provincial guidelines is the applicant's responsibility and will only be determined by the College in the "new" province.CPNRE as is CRNE is aimed at the lowest educational standards across the country. It is a base line for entry and doesn't necessarily cover material that is specifically required in certain provinces.
Which is what I stated, You still have to meet provincial requirements and pay fees and I know this is the same regardless on whether a Canadian residence or IEN
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
kitty, silverdragon and fiona,
My understanding is the rules have changed since the Labour Mobility Act was enacted. I think now it may be a breach of the Act, if a provincial nursing college requires a nurse who was previously licenced and practiced in another province to upgrade their education.
kitty have you worked as a lpn in BC?