Published Jan 3, 2016
24 Posts
Goodevening everyone. I am attending Bmcc and almost done with my pre-reqs for nursing.although I hope to get into Bmcc nursing program I want to apply to as many in ny as I can to increase my chances. I was wondering if anyone knows of the schools that have the same qualifications or less as Bmcc that I can apply to private or regular. Thank you for the help in advance
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Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,935 Posts
Look at the state BON website for a list of approved programs as well as the accredited programs through ACEN and CCNE searches. From there, you can narrow down which ones are in your area and then go to the websites to see what the admissions criteria consist of.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Thread has been moved to our Nursing Programs forum.