Nursing school not for me?


So after 3 years of trying to get into nursing school and getting denied 3 times, i finally got in. But something felt weird. When i saw i was accepted, i wasn't as happy as i expected. I was just like, "they accepted me, but why" but then i thought it just hadn't hit me yet. Orientation comes around and im really nervous. When i went to orientation, i wasn't as excited as the other people around me. (granted they try to scare you) So i thought the feeling would come a little later. But my classes were starting and i still wasn't excited, i just don't feel passionate anymore. Today i looked around my class and i noticed that all these people were so active in their learning and i wasn't as enthusiastic. I received my test grade back and i got a 100 on one of them but then got an 84 © on another. And that's when it hit me again that maybe this isn't for me and isn't what i thought. I still want to take care of people, i'm just not as enthusiastic about this as i had hoped. I thought my initial feeling was wrong, but i guess it isn't. The thing is people say i would be a good nurse but i really don't feel excited or passionate with any of my classes. I'm not sure what to do anymore =/

I've set my eyes on becoming a nurse and going to nursing school since 9th grade, maybe it's because i was so determined? But now since im here, my true feelings are coming out. I don't know. But shouldn't i be more excited? Someone please give me advice, any advice at all. I start clinicals in a few weeks and im just not sure if i can do it. If i'm not passionate now (or even when i got accepted), will i ever be?

It took me a long time to start school, for various reasons. Then, I was denied the first time I applied. It was devastating to me, it took a lot out of me. Now, I'm in my second semester and the awesomeness is wearing off a little. I feel like I should have been here a long time ago. BUT, I also know that I want to be a nurse still, and would seriously regret it if I quit. Think about where you want to be in three years, or five. The time will pass whatever you do, and you may end up regretting quitting. School is way different than real nursing, thankfully you only have a few years of it.

I don't think you really know how you feel until you start clinicals. When you start hands on with patients and really see what a nurse does then you know if you want to become a nurse. I have moments where I ask if this is what I really want to do but then I get with patients and I love it. I say you worked hard to get in the program so why not stick it out for a semester.

Hi there! I would estimate that at least 85% of my entire class has at one time or another doubted his or her decision. A friend of mine and I debate returning at the start of each semester! Into semester three of four now, and that hasn't changed! At the end of the day, though, we're committed and will continue. Once you've completed your program, you will have so many options. If you don't like working with patients, then you can choose not to, for example. Don't write it off quite yet. I'm an older student with three kids and I look at some of the younger students who have stars in their eyes and talk about their mission in life to help people. Nope. I'm not one of those, and if I expected to be, I certainly would have quit by now. It'll work out. Give it some time. I can just tell you that I am worried about those who don't doubt their decision at one point or another! Good luck!

Thank you! Your words really helped me, especially the last part about being worried about the people who don't question their decision. I'm not one of those people either, but im going to keep going =) When i do graduate, i hope to work in a children's hospital or maybe a rehab center. I can't see myself in an actual hospital to be honest.

You make a good point. I think i will know by the time i reach clinicals or until the end of the term and see how i feel about everything. I think right now the anxiety is just getting to me and not being able to succeed.

Specializes in ER trauma, ICU - trauma, neuro surgical.

You may be feeling this way b/c it took more than one try to get in. The excitement was lost after the first couple of tries, but that doesn't mean you don't belong. The fact that you never gave up is more of testament to your character then being able to get in on the first try. There are going to be lots of student who got in on their first try, but will never pass school in the end. The ones who stick it out and keep moving forward are the ones who make it. And I agree with the above poster who said you won't really know nursing until you go through clinicals. I actually second guessed everything until semester two. During fundamentals, all I did was bathe, clean up poop, do enemas, and change sheets. After I got be semester two, everything changed. Ride it out and be happy that you got in. There are thousands of pre-nursing students who would die to be where you are at.

You may be feeling this way b/c it took more than one try to get in. The excitement was lost after the first couple of tries, but that doesn't mean you don't belong. The fact that you never gave up is more of testament to your character then being able to get in on the first try. There are going to be lots of student who got in on their first try, but will never pass school in the end. The ones who stick it out and keep moving forward are the ones who make it. And I agree with the above poster who said you won't really know nursing until you go through clinicals. I actually second guessed everything until semester two. During fundamentals, all I did was bathe, clean up poop, do enemas, and change sheets. After I got be semester two, everything changed. Ride it out and be happy that you got in. There are thousands of pre-nursing students who would die to be where you are at.

When i second guess my decision, i usually think about the pre nursing students who would love to get into a program. You are right, I think i lost all the excitement after being denied those couple of times. I need to wait until second semester and see how i really feel. The first semester is probably the one where students always question themselves about their career choice. I guess i can wait a couple more months. Thank you for your kind words =)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

I had soo many setbacks that I didn't even THINK I was going to get into my program. When I got in, I didn't even believe I got in. I went to the orientation, and still thought that I didn't know whether I would be able to endure in the program...this is coming from a LPN, mind a May 2012 BSN grad and NEW RN grad, I made it. I start as a new grad in a PICU in 2 weeks...I still get those tiny thoughts...but then I realized that I WILL make it. I didn't have the stars in my eyes, yes...I wanted to be a nurse since the age of 5-mind you, I REALLY wanted to be one after the nurse gave a rude bar fighter a needle in his tush...this was when they still had big metal needles...this was like 1986, lol...the nurse let me follow her around while my sister was in the ER and I'm sure seeing my sister getting held down would've been more traumatic, so I thank that nurse wherever she is :)-but it was still based in reality. So where you are at is not necessarily a bad thing...keep at it, run your own race...once you hit that clinical floor, see where you stand...if you like it, enjoy the hard, and keep being you...and if you still like pediatric rehab, then by all means go for it :) . When I started our in my studies, I wanted a job that would be two specialties, work 3 12s and every third weekend...almost 13 years later, I will be achieving that whatever you do, just know you can do it on your own terms, and still be content. :)

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