Nursing School Survival Kit

You finally got the letter that you have been dreaming of; you've been accepted into nursing school! Don't let your excitement turn into panic. We are here to help with our nursing school survival kit! Nurses Announcements Archive Article Video

Now that you have been accepted into nursing school, you need to set yourself up for success by arming yourself with the following tools. While they do not guarantee straight A's, they will help you to meet the challenges in a more organized manner, and see you through to graduation.


Time management is the key to surviving nursing school. Make sure you are equipped with a top of the line planner! Carry your planner with you at all times and make sure you update it. It might seem like a hassle at first, but in the end it will be a huge lifesaver!


Nursing school will require you to take a lot of notes. To help keep your notes organized, get a binder with multiple pockets. This will allow you to organize your notes by class.

Note Cards

Taking notes in your notebook is a given, but transferring those notes into flash cards is a must! Stock up on note cards ahead of time so you are not searching for them days before your big exam.


When it comes to studying for your big nursing exams, your highlighter is going to be your best friend. We recommend you get highlighters in a variety of colors so you can color code your notes.


While this is an obvious, it is vital to have an excess amount of pens. Once you run out of pens, you will understand why we are stressing their importance!


For those late night study sessions and early morning classes, coffee will be your miracle drink! If you are not a coffee drinker, any caffeinated beverage will work. But remember, don't overdo it. You don't want to turn a quick "wake me up" into a habit.

Rolling Backpack

Nursing books are notorious for being very cumbersome. Even if you are only carrying two nursing books around all day, you will get a backache. Rolling backpacks aren't fashionable, but neither is sporting an enormous backpack, while wobbling to class from class. At least with a rolling backpack, you won't be sacrificing your back!

Tablet or Smartphone

If you can afford one of these smart devices, you will find that they will come in handy for all aspects of nursing school. Be sure to check what your professor's policy is. You do not want to have your device confiscated!

Moisturizer/Bubble Bath/Hot Shower

Whether your body is aching because you decided against a rolling backpack or you have just had a stressful day, using moisturizers or treating yourself to a bubble bath or extended hot shower are great ways to de-stress. Remember, it is important to de-stress, even if you don't think you have the time.

Dedication and Passion

This is the most important part of your "nursing school survival kit". Nursing school is a lot of work. But if you are dedicated and have a passion for nursing, your nursing school experience will be a good one!

Did we miss anything? Let us know by commenting below!

I'm in my 2nd semester of nursing school and just upgraded to the rolling back pack. I LOVE IT!!!! Last semester I weighed my other back pack and it was 28#. Now I can take everything with me everywhere I go. Including my laptop. Great list. Thanks.

Specializes in Emergency and Critical Care.

I hope this changes, I am an old nurse and have had to learn how to use this technology and wish I had had it many years ago, as long as my students do not use it for personal use I am all for having information at the touch of a button. Nursing is ever changing and having that information with you in lieu of carrying a bunch of heavy books and ruining your back as I have over the years, technology is awesome

Don't forget water! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate :)

And when you get on the floors and get report on your patients.. try to find a "brain" (sheet used to organize your care, priorities, labs, etc.. usually can be found on the units) you are comfortable using and stick with it. Highlight the things that are most important. Make check boxes next to things you need to do. Be organized and have a plan for the day, always!

I will have to find something to replace coffee. Can't stand it. Thanks for the list!

I've been uber nerdy with my High Sierra rolling backpack for over a year, now. My back and my future uninhibited ability to lift patients is grateful! High Sierras are good quality and cost at least half the price for a comparable Jansport! Look on Amazon and read the reviews :)

It's funny how much debate is going on over the iPhone/Tablet thing. Our program REQUIRES a handheld device! Apparently our reference books on much easier to access. I haven't started yet, but we'll see how it goes!