U.S.A. North Carolina
Published Jun 26, 2017
9 Posts
Hello all, I am a NC High School Senior that will be applying to the nursing pre-licensure programs at UNC-Chapel Hill, ECU, and UNC-Wilmington this fall. Based on my stats I believe I will likely be accepted to CHapel hill for regular admission and accepted into the honors programs at ECU and Wilmington. I have always dreamed of attending UNC Chapel Hill but the reputation of the nursing program at ECU and its better simulation labs, honors program and new dormitory are very appealing. I also feel that my chances of getting accepted into the ECU program is higher since they accept 130 students per semester vs the 50 or so patients that UNC accepts. Certainly UNC-CH is a better overall school for most other majors but for nursing ECU seems to have the edge. I am currently volunteering at a large hospital and many of the nurses there give ECU very high praise, I have not gotten much feedback on the UNC nursing program as of yet.
Would I be crazy to choose ECU over UNC-CH?
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,290 Posts
My neighbor's daughter is in the program at ECU. VERY difficult. I am not sure ECU has a better rep that UNC-CH. Chapel Hill has a lot more opportunity for more complex cases. We have a lot of UNCW nurses too where I work.
None of them are going to be easy and you will most likely get a job before graduation at any of those institutions. Just depends on where you want to live. I know all the hosp are hiring, in the Raleigh-Durham area anyway.
Whichever one you choose will send you to the nearest hosp (moses cone, UNC, New Hanover) and you would most likely be at the top of the list for a job where you do your clinical.
Lots of choices here in NC, depends on where you want to live.
603 Posts
I would focus on where you want to end up when you graduate, honestly. The job market is thriving in RDU and it's a great place for new grads to get jobs, even in coveted specialty areas like ICU, ER and L&D. I've never seen a discrepancy between ECU versus UNC-CH grads, to be perfectly honest. They are both fine schools and I work with many nurses who are graduates of both schools. I say go with your gut, your gut is rarely wrong. :)
4,299 Posts
All three are good schools. I'm not as familiar with UNCW, but have heard good things. Both ECU and UNC-CH are excellent schoos, and I think you would receive an excellent education from either. I hsve worked with nee graduates from both and found them to be well prepared.
One major factor to consider is cost. As both are UNC System schools, you'd think tuition would be similar, but tuition cost at UNC-CH is nearly double.
Best wishes in whichever you choose.