Nursing is pathetic...

Nurses Career Support


It's to bad you feel this way I work in the E.R.and am constantly exposed to hiv, hepatitis,and a host of other diseases you can protect yourself. Why did you really go into nursing ws it for the money? If it was for that then you missed the whole point of what a nurse is. It was never meant to be anything more than the giving care to those in needof your services if you allow yourself to feel all these negative feeling it's time for a vacation from nursing and try something else for a while or have you considered trying a new area that may have sparked some interest. It might be something to think about?


(do you know what the above is? - Shame on you if you don't!)

How sad to be so unhappy. I have, after 23 years at one facility, recently moved my family and I to another town, and another job. I felt I was stagnating in my old job, and though I was well respected, and got along well with my co-workers, and Dr's, and loved my area, my new boss did not love me.

My attitude was going downhill fast, and I was actually thinking about leaving Nursing alltogether.

Thank God I checked out jobs online. Nursing has such a wide variety of available jobs, and since I really do love, it, I found a great job at a great teaching facility in Lubbock. It has saved my attitude, and my happiness with nursing is restored.

Nursing is NOT pathetic, but maybe someone who stays in it when they are so unhappy is.

Specializes in L&D, SICU.

"Nursing is NOT pathetic, but maybe someone who stays in it when they are so unhappy is."

I think that says it very well, and I think that if "NurseDude" spent half as much time trying to explore other job possibilities as he does on this thread, he might be able to move on with his life.

My daughter has shown interest in Pediatric Nursing. Is there a positive person out there that could offer information on how to get started. She's trying to find her path and I beleive this could be it. I need to know where she should start.

It seems to me that if Nursedude would spend HALF as much time and energy in his chosen Profession as he does on this post he might actually make a difference in the health care of his patients.

SOMEONE needs to find a new job... and it ain't me, babe.

For those of you spanking nursedude. I challenge you to COME TO PITTSBURGH and work. Then you might understand.

There are several adds for nurses in the local papers. They are with sign on bonous.



If Nursedude is unhappy in Pittsburgh, maybe he should move. I did, so I know it is hard, but it can be done, and there are lots of sign on bonuses, as well as moving bonuses out there right now.

Originally posted by pukahi

My daughter has shown interest in Pediatric Nursing. Is there a positive person out there that could offer information on how to get started. She's trying to find her path and I beleive this could be it. I need to know where she should start.

Mail me off post, and I will be glad to talk with your daughter.

:) :) :) :)

In response to all of these, I would just like to say...

In every career you have your downfalls, whether you make minimum wage or millions. We all know that. But when I had a teenage girl walk up to me in the shopping mall (in a public area) a couple of months ago, and was not afraid to thank me for "everything you did for me in treatment" and proceeded to tell me all about whet she had been up to, .......

you could not have put a price on the satisfaction I felt that day. Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm not really in it for the $$$$, but it helps when you see effects of what you do... do the plumbers really care about the effects of what they do?? I don't think we would have picked nursing if we didn't care just a little to begin with. It's just the difference in people I guess.

this post may be old but i think it is vry worthwhile. nd, i admire your honesty, iv'e been a nurse for 22 years. imho, some of the posters that vehamently dissagree with you are either very new and niave, or from the old school (like me) far as the new nurses...eventually they will see you are right on...the profession of nursing has greatly evolved since i started.. i heard one nurse put it eloquently, she said, "used to be when dr.'s came into the nurses station we gave them our we just give them the finger" as for some of the "older nurses" it appears to me that their attitudes have not evolved with their sad. we should be a much more respected profession than we are. those who value the warm fuzzies over the dollars need to change careers and be missionaries. just because our jobs bring personal satisfaction does that mean we should expect less compensation?????i don"t think so! who says plumbers and electritians don't get personal satisfaction from their careers? my husband is an electrition and loves his job...if he gets a pat on the back for a job well done...should he bring home less pay?????? it is this mentality that will hold nursing back....if we can't agree with one voice to raise the bar for nurses concerning respect equal to other comparable careers...nothing will ever change...i plan to leave bedside nursing within 5 years. dear nd sorry to hear you left the bedside....unlike some other judgemental posters, i feel it was the patient's loss....good luck...god bless ya....peace lr:kiss

It's been interesting reading the opinions of all the nurses responding to the subject of recommending nursing as a career. A year ago, I would have said NO!!!!! I have been a nurse for 22 years. I tried public health nursing, ICU nursing, school nursing, ER nursing, IV team, even the Red Cross. I kept trying to find my place but was just not happy. I went to school and became a nurse practitioner. Guess what? I hated it. Last year, I took a position in a prison. Would you believe I really like it? I work Monday through Friday with no weekends, no call, and no holidays. I work day shift with another nurse and we work together to get the job done. It's challenging and requires a lot of autonomy. My point is this: Nursing will never be a perfect job, but you can find happiness if you just keep trying. Reach out and try new things. If it doesn't work, move on. You only have yourself to blame if you sit in the same situation year after year. It won't be easy, but you'll be better off. If you got into nursing for the money, forget it. You're in the wrong profession. Until we can get together and fight for our profession, we will never get a decent salary. We, as a whole, love to turn on each other. I have no problem with anyone wanting to make a better salary for the work we do, and the amount of education we are required to have in order to do our job, but it shouldn't be the only reason to go into a profession. I also don't buy into the "I only want to help others, so money doesn't mean a thing" routine. I want to do something that makes me feel needed and valued. Hang in there everyone. You make a difference whether you know it or not.

Specializes in ER, Med Surg. ICU, Mgmt. Geri. Hme Care.

Hi I'm a 43 yers old nurse and I live in URUGUAY. Here we don't make mucha money as you (500 dollaars amonth) And we donn't make as much money as other workers do. I think nursing is ot about making money. to me it is about feeling well helping people and solving health problems, and that's what I do.I worked in ER. ICU, medical surgical areas, pediatrics, and basically that is nursing. Of course sometimes I feel like not being recognized specially when I think of money. But money doesn't make happyness.

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