Nursing License # on CE certificate



This will be the first time that I will be renewing my RN license and I was looking at my CE certificates and some of them don't have my RN license number on them. They have my name and contact info. Do they need to have your license number on it?


Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

very few of mine do, as long as your name is on it you should be good. In my state, you only have to declare that you did them, and keep them on file for a few years. They do random audits, if you get picked, only then do you make copies and send in the paperwork.


Some do, some don't. Doesn't matter as long as it has your name.

Specializes in Pedi.

I don't think I've ever had a CEU certificate with my license number on it. When I worked in the hospital, they'd hold classes and there would be a pile of CEU certificates in the back of the room and you just took one and wrote your name in. My state is the same as JBudd's- you don't have to do anything with these certificates unless you are audited.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

not in Texas. We ask for an identifier other than name that is NOT your SSN and that is about it. The point is that, if audited, the BON would be able to identify who actually took the course.

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