So it appears that there really isn't a market for nurses anymore? Am I correct? I'm happy with my job where I'm at now, but I'm looking to relocate soon from Tucson to Flagstaff. I work tons and tons of overtime now, but I'm afraid that when the time comes when I want to relocate that there won't be any openings anymore or very slim pickings; and i don't want to be stuck here in tucson. I've been browsing around the state and just looking at job postings for RNs out of curiosity, and they appear to be very thin. Does anyone think that this will pass through with time or are we staring at a very grim future for nursing? I can imagine that nurse to patient ratios will increase in the future. I'm very lucky where I'm at, where the ratio can't exceed 4:1. But, I wonder how much longer that will last, and wonder if the whole "Magnet Status" is really worth it for the the hospital. It's sad that us nurses are consider a loss and an expenditure, that the corporate side of hospitals don't value RNs and will try to get good nurses for as cheep as possible. Oh well, only time will tell.