Published Jan 11, 2012
26 Posts
I am searching for free ce's related to the topic "Legal/Ethical and Professional Issues For Nurses." Can anyone PLEASE point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
beckster_01, BSN, RN
500 Posts
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Medscape offers CEU's? Even if it doesn't it is a great free resource!
10 Articles; 19,044 Posts
ANA Nurse CE has several free Legal and Ethic CEU's:
ANA's Online Journal of Issues in Nursing has interesing Ethics column + articles:
Ethics Column
Ethics–Medscape Ethics Center
Thanks Karen!
I frequent this site quite often, but there is a limited amount of Legal/Ethical nursing issues provided. I am speaking of articles required by the LSBN. They require us to submit 20 CEU related to Legal/Ethical issues in nursing within six months of receiving the consent order.
I did find a site: which provides countless nurse legal/ethical issues, but they are quite expensive! Thanks for your reply!
chicookie, BSN, RN
985 Posts
I use this site myself. I don't know if they have the specific one you need though:
Free CEUs Online for Nurses - Continuing Education Directory
5,978 Posts
Nursing Spectrum has some free CEUs related to this very topic. I'm sorry I can't link you to the site, but it would violate TOS. You should be able to find it on google.
Thanks chicookie! I'll check it out!
Great! Headed to the site now! Thanks OCNRN63