Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program


Is there anyone out there who has applied to NELRP. I'm having trouble with my hospital giving me a letter certifying they are a Disproportionate share hospital. They know absolutely nothing about it and they have referred it to their legal department. HRSA tells me some hospitals have form letters they issue and it's no big deal. If I could locate one maybe my hospital could call them. Meanwhile I could be missing out on applying because the deadline is March 9. HRSA makes it absolutely as difficult as possible to apply, nevermind their "threatening" attitude in their application guidelines, e.g. if you miss ONE thing they will trash the application and won't even let you know or give you an opportunity to fix it, for example if you forgot to sign one of the many forms. Really helpful, huh? I'm sure this is not what congress had in mind when they created this program. It was supposed to help nurses with large student loan debt and encourage them to work in critically underserved hospitals. So, HELP!

Specializes in NICU.

This is my 2nd year of applying for NELRP. I went to my HR department and had them fill out the employment verification letter. While waiting for that to be filled out, I asked the secretary if they had the letter stating they are a DSH. There were a stack of letters there behind her and she grabbed me one. It was a letter specifically for this purpose. I'm really sorry your hospital is making is so difficult for you to get that kind of letter!! Tell them that you need it before March and it's imperative for you financially.

I know the application and all is really intimidating and time consuming. I went through all the trouble last year of applying online and making sure ALL my documents and other forms were filled out. I mailed everything in and then was told I didn't receive an award. I never even got a letter from them stating why I didn't qualify. Finally after talking with someone from HRSA, they told me that they NEVER received my application forms that I mailed in!! Ahhhh! VERY upsetting as I spent so much time getting all that stuff together. Makes me wonder what actually happened to my application. This time when I take it to the post office, I'm going to pay for the delivery confirmation. I'd suggest you do the same thing.

Good luck!!

Would you feel comfortable giving me the name of your hospital; maybe I could call them and have them fax that letter to the HR, then maybe they wouldn't feel so scared about giving the information out.

This is my 2nd year of applying for NELRP. I went to my HR department and had them fill out the employment verification letter. While waiting for that to be filled out, I asked the secretary if they had the letter stating they are a DSH. There were a stack of letters there behind her and she grabbed me one. It was a letter specifically for this purpose. I'm really sorry your hospital is making is so difficult for you to get that kind of letter!! Tell them that you need it before March and it's imperative for you financially.

I know the application and all is really intimidating and time consuming. I went through all the trouble last year of applying online and making sure ALL my documents and other forms were filled out. I mailed everything in and then was told I didn't receive an award. I never even got a letter from them stating why I didn't qualify. Finally after talking with someone from HRSA, they told me that they NEVER received my application forms that I mailed in!! Ahhhh! VERY upsetting as I spent so much time getting all that stuff together. Makes me wonder what actually happened to my application. This time when I take it to the post office, I'm going to pay for the delivery confirmation. I'd suggest you do the same thing.

Good luck!!

do any of you personally know any other nurses that have been awarded this program? If not maybe it's another ploy for our government to look good...maybe no one is getting these repayment programs. I know I sound like a pesimist, but Im just curious as to how and if it's really true.....

Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program 2007

Does anyone know a recipient of the NELRP? Just how much debt must I have? Do they only consider debt just while in nursing school or 4 years of undergrad (for traditional BSN programs)? What about people with debt from undergraduate programs now in 2nd degree Accelerated BSN programs? I guess I'm debating if it is worth racking up the interest on huge loans with the hope of getting the scholarship or clearing out my bank account, taking out smaller loans, & living on nothing to pay for school now.

Specializes in NICU.
Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program 2007

Does anyone know a recipient of the NELRP? Just how much debt must I have? Do they only consider debt just while in nursing school or 4 years of undergrad (for traditional BSN programs)? What about people with debt from undergraduate programs now in 2nd degree accelerated BSN programs? I guess I'm debating if it is worth racking up the interest on huge loans with the hope of getting the scholarship or clearing out my bank account, taking out smaller loans, & living on nothing to pay for school now.

If you go to the NELRP website they show all the criteria and they also show the breakdown, as far as who/what they look at first, second, and so on. The first thing being the amount of debt, therefore you need to have a great deal of debt in student loans.

If I were you, I'd stick with the mind frame that if you get student loans, then be prepared to pay them all back, by yourself. Yeah it'd be nice to get approved for the NELRP, but there are very few funds and a lot of applicants ...... only so much to go around.

It's just for loans incurred while in Nursing School; no prerequisites. It's mandatory for you to be working in a Disproportionate Share Hospital and have high debt in order to be in the top group and get funded. There are other groups below this but they never have enough money to reach them. If you do submit an application, you can verify online that they have received it and that all the required information has been submitted.

For those of you that need to take out large loans for nursing school, have you considered Southwest? Their nursing loans are almost no interest if you work in AZ or FL after graduation!! Plus if you can get on with Americorps, Americorps will pay your interest rate that accrues while you're in school, so you can get out of NS with a loan with almost no interest. Here is the link for Southwest,

You just put their name down when you fill out your loan application.

Does anyone know which hospitals qualify for the NELRP? I was told St. Joes does, but haven't found out for sure.



Block 4- 38 days and counting (until finals)

Specializes in NICU.

It's ironic but I just got my notification letter from HRSA today letting me know that I was approved for 60% payment of my student loans, for a 2 year contract. I'm so dang excited!!! I'm more shocked than anything, as I was totally not expecting this. WOW!! :D

Congrats! Did you receive bank papers to fill out a few weeks ago? How many years do you have left for school? Is your school private or public? Just checking stats and awaiting notification myself.


I think you are asking about the HRSA Nurse Scholarship Program for people starting or still in school...

My understanding is that NELRP is for people that have already finished nursing school and have massive loans to pay off.

Specializes in NICU.
Congrats! Did you receive bank papers to fill out a few weeks ago? How many years do you have left for school? Is your school private or public? Just checking stats and awaiting notification myself.


Thanks :)

Bank papers were already filled out as part of the required forms to submit when applying for the NELRP, back in March.

The NELRP is for those that are already done with school. I've been out of school for over 2 years now, and it was a private school. Since I was accepted for the NELRP, I am now in contract for 2 years at my hospital, and in return they will pay off 60% of my student loans.

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