Nursing Duties With A BSN

Nurses General Nursing


Hi I know this question will seem stupid but i heard that if u have a BSN degree your duties will be more toward doing paperwork? Is this true? And also what area would you need to be in if you really only wanted more paperwork duties? The thing is I want to help people but I really dont like needles and blood... But then I still would like to consider being a nurse. If there a specific concentration or area that i could work in that will require little exposure to needles and lots of blood? Sorry again if this question is stupid but I just wanted to know. thanks...

Hi I know this question will seem stupid but i heard that if u have a BSN degree your duties will be more toward doing paperwork? Is this true? And also what area would you need to be in if you really only wanted more paperwork duties? The thing is I want to help people but I really dont like needles and blood... But then I still would like to consider being a nurse. If there a specific concentration or area that i could work in that will require little exposure to needles and lots of blood? Sorry again if this question is stupid but I just wanted to know. thanks...

No question is stupid!! There are plenty of areas to work that don't involve blood and needles (case management, education, IS) but you will have to do it all in nursing school. Have you ever thought of other helping professions? speech, PT, OT,social work?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

It's not a stupid question. I agree with others who say social work, counseling, OT, PT, even possibly teaching, may be areas to look into. There are many others, people who do work in a "helping profession" but don't deal with things like "needles and blood". Good luck in whatever you decide to do, let us know how your research goes. :) :)

Thanks everyone for all the advice. A lot of it was very useful and I really appreciate it.

Normally to get a job with an insurance company where you will work usually in utilization review, you will need at least two years of hospital experience. There are going to be extremely few office type jobs available as a new grad. You need the work experience behind you to make educated reviews, etc. and you do not get that in school.

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