Nursing Diagnosis for anemia in pregnancy


I am doing a paper on anemia in pregnancy that includes iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, sickle cell hemoglobinopathy, and thalassemia. Can anyone help me think of nursing diagnoses that would go with this.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

diagnosing is a rational process based upon the use of the nursing process. nursing diagnoses are based on the patient's responses to a medical disease/condition. following the first step of the nursing process, look up the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, sickle cell hemoglobinopathy, and thalassemia. based on those signs and symptoms you choose nursing diagnoses that have defining characteristics (signs and symptoms) that match with the signs and symptoms of these diseases. to help, check the disease cross-reference in a place like the appendix of taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. there is also a disease cross reference in the front of betty j. ackley and gail b. ladwig's nursing diagnosis handbook: a guide to planning care. perhaps you could look at a fellow student's copy for a few minutes for some diagnostic ideas if you do not either of these books.

hmmmm where is the B12?

i am struggling with my careplan for a pp sickle cell crisis pt. i have 5 dx but i am not confident that i have the most important. any input would be greatly appreciated. my aeb is in my subjective and objective data in a different column on the care plan. pt was re-admit 10 days pp repeat c/s. g4, p3, a1, l2. came to ed, dx w/ pih, uti, sickle crisis, abd pain, ha.

the 5 i have:

1. impaired gas exchange r/t decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood, reduced rbc life span, abnormal rbc structure, and increased blood viscosity.

2. ineffective tissue perfusion: peripheral r/t hemolysis, vaso-occlusive

nature of sickling, inflammatory response, peripheral circulation damage of small infarcts and iron deposits.

3. acute pain r/t vaso-occlusive crisis hypoxia, which causes cells to become rigid and elongated, thus forming crescent shape aeb pt statement and non-verbal cues.

4. anxiety r/t perceived threat to neonate’s well-being secondary to complications of pregnancy; maternal illness.

5. compromised family coping r/t chronic nature of disease

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