What can I do? - Roommate enjoys cock-fighting events!

Nurses Nurse Beth


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Nurse Beth,

I am in my second week of LVN classes, and a fellow student starts taking about how much fun she has with her "paw-paw" at cock -fighting events......I am in shock! How can you administer compassionate care to humans if you enjoy watching birds kill each other? This is illegal where I am located, but the local authorities are extremely lax here... I am appalled by the idea that she will be a nurse serving my family one day. What should I do. If anything at all?

Dear Hates Cock-Fighting,

What should you do about a nursing classmate who enjoys cock-fighting? Nothing.

It's an unspeakably deplorable, cruel, and inhumane activity, but enjoying cock-fighting events is not an indicator of being an uncaring nurse.

Believe it or not, people are capable of all kinds of compartmentalizing and incongruous behaviors. We all are. Try to get to know your classmate better. You'll see other traits.

You can channel your outrage through the Humane Society. You can support them to eliminate cock fighting, and to make it a felony in places where it's only a misdemeanor. You can report illegal cockfighting events.

You can't control things such as which future applicants future employers are going to deem suitable or unsuitable to practice nursing, so focus in on your studies and get good grades :)

Good luck in school, and best wishes,

Nurse Beth


It is none of your business and you need to stay out of it. A wise man once said, "Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own" (Proverbs 26:17).

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