Nursing abroad- Ireland, Australia


I am a Canadian nursing student about to graduate from my four year BScN in April. I am very interested in nursing abroad, and in particular, I have been looking at Australia and Ireland. I was wondering if anyone has done this, and if so, if they have any tips or suggestions? Does anyone know about the process for doing this in these particular countries? Any help is greatly appreciated!

I too am graduating in April.. and that is exactly what I would like to know as well! Although I am also interested in the UK.

From what I've heard(and read), it is generally best to get a couple years of experience in your home country so that you aren't a "new grad" when you go over there--they have their own new grads that they would rather have in those transitional programs.

So that is my current plan.. graduate (fingers crossed! ;)), work for 1-2 years and get experience, and then try my hand at travel nursing in either the UK or Australia.

Here's hoping that someone with experience in either place will reply!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

UK requires a minimum of 12 months experience and the job has to be on the shortage list if a work permit is required. Most jobs advertised within the NHS state preference given to UK and EU first and not all will offer assistance with work permit. Also be aware a new article shows figures from the RCN (Royal College of Nurse) over 61,000 jobs have been lost or are in danger of being lost which means a lot of nurses already in the UK looking for work. Also many NHS trusts are struggling financially and laying people off including nurses. I think Ireland also requires a minimum of 12 months experience and again jobs are hard there

Australia may be an option and it may be a bit easier for you but you still have to go through the nursing board process and the immigration process

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

got to agree, you are not going to find it easy without experience at all. Get 12-24 months under your belt. Have skills and knowledge that can be transferred to another country that works in a sightly different way. I went from Ireland to Australia and those 2 years were essential so that I knew what I didn't know.

if you look on the only jobs going are nursing home jobs. - Health Service Executive Website - Jobs in the HSE shows EVERY job in nursing in the public health service in Ireland. It will be a quick read. The majority of healthcare in Ireland is publicly funded. There are some private hospitals in the major cities Dublin, Cork, Galway.

Jobs in Oz are getting fewer at the moment but regional cities a few hours inland are still recruiting. as are regional towns/ Northern Teratory.

Ireland UK & Oz require experience before you can register as an overseas nurse. have a look at Irish Nursing Board, An Bord Altranais or Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Home to see the requirements.

Thanks for the help! A year of experience makes sense, hopefully once I get some experience under my belt I'll be able to go abroad for a bit.

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