Struggling with depression, panic and anxiety.

Nurses Disabilities


My wife is an RN, returning to work after several physical struggles. In the midst of these, she has been hit with depression and anxiety/panic, and it seems to be destroying her life. She's unable to go to work without having a panic attack and just gave up her full time job. At home, she just sits or sleeps all day, and feels bad because she can't seem to do anything else. She's currently taking meds, but nothing seems to help. Does it get better than this?

Hey, better living through chemistry.

Lexapro and Xanax are my dear, dear friends.


My sister has schizophrenia. I'd certainly call that a disability.[/quote

as per your quote sue I empthize and hope your sister is getting proper treatment schizophrenia is a difficult disability to deal with my prayers are with your sister

during this time of year near the holiday season we all need to be on guard with depression and anxiety increases during this time of year, high expectations ,stress of giving to others , commerialization of holiday , find some friends , either on line or in the flesh to support all who suffer withdepression/anxiety mayprayers with every nurse female and male may your angel wings keep flying and if they are broken no worry they will heal

Specializes in Psychiatric nursing.

Struggling with depression and anxiety can be difficult. Last year I studied for my Psychiatric nursing certification exam. I already knew alot about psychiatric nursing because I have practiced psychiatric nursing for 12 years. However, I did learn some things besides theory, medication and human development etc. I tried to begin by thinking that every human behavior has meaning. Anxiety is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. When we are faced with a threat to our physical well-being we experience increased anxiety. I still struggle with anxiety. I began thinking about the times in my life when I have experienced anxiety attacks. Problems in relationships, financial difficulties, and problems at school or work were my major stressors. Today, I try to keep things fairly simple and stable. Fortunatly, I have a loving fiance and I have resolved alot of problems related to a previous divorce.

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