tnpap is not fair. has anyone been through this?

Nurses Recovery


My girlfriend is a newly graduated RN and had her first hospital job in a trauma unit. She was very good at her job and never had any disciplinary issues in the 4 months she was employed. One day when she arrived at work she was told that there were 7 pills undocumented under her shifts. She has never taken any pills and would never do such a thing to put her job in jeopardy. She was then asked to submit a urine test which came back positive for marijuana. This was because she smoked at a party a few weeks before.

Yet, she didn't test positive for opiates. She was fired and now she signed a contract with TnPap in oder to keep her license. She doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem, but is forced to go to counseling once a week and submit urine tests at her own expense once or twice a month. She has been looking for a job for 2 months now with no luck. Does anyone know where to go from here because my money alone is not going to last for much longer. Aso, does anoyone know how to reduce a monitoring agreement so that she doesn't have to pay for alcohol testing? I think she should be allowed to have a glass of wine with dinner without having to worry about being tested for it. Alcohol is legal and she is 25, far old enough to drink, and has never been in trouble or had a problem with alcohol. I think TnPap is a money making scheme the BON has put together to suck people dry. My girlfriend does not have a problem and has never had a problem with drugs or alcohol, I think 2 years of probation is a bit excessive for one mistake at a party. We can't even go on vacation because she has to check in to TnPap every day. Has anyone been through this? or know where to look for jobs? She is not allowed to do home health.

OMG.... that is just so unfair. She does not deserve to be treated like this. I mean really she did it on her own time didnt effect patient care, who do they think they are? Everyone of us has our own story, some for drugs, some for alcochol, some for both. Best thing she can do is quit complaining and grab hold of this program and ride it to the end, and if you are going to be in her life quite being an enabler by making excuses and become supportive. I am here for alcohol abuse, she is here for smoking pot. Work the program and quite trying to manipulate the system.

yep- nothing left to do but suck it up & git-r-done!!

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