Published Jun 2, 2011
1 Post
I have been in the recovery nurse program for 2 years, my first year of sobriety I applied for a job everywhere I could think of and no one would hire me. I finally accepted a job at a local youth correctional facility, for LPN pay, I Am a RN....I work there a year in miserable conditions...could not take it any longer on May 7, 2011 I quit now everyone I apply with tells me they can not hire me because my liscense is restricted. Has anyone else had this problem?? If I cant find someone to hire me, do I qualify for any assistance. I have 8 years of good med/surg experience, never fired from a nursing job, in 2009 I voluntarily went into treatment at Copac, rec help, have been clean for 2 years, now I feel like Ive been black balled. Anybody out there that can relate to my problem????
240 Posts
So very sorry your having it rough - have you tried dialysis nursing ?
diva rn, BSN, RN
963 Posts
I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.
This whole "thing" is difficult enough to live through without the added stress of not finding a job. Remember too, that the job market is hard all over for everyone. THe monitoring thing does make it worse but maybe not impossible.
In my peer support group out of 12 of us 9 are working. I do Case Management as do 2 others. 1 girl works for a Home Health Agency doing chart review/QA. 2 work in dialysis. 1 works at a free standing surgi center (and has worked thru her 6 month narcotics restrictions/it was just lifted last month) 1 works at a Endo lab doing Scopes but does not handle any of the sedatives/only does the preop. The last one works at the Cleveland Clinic outpatient office. So it's varied. None of us work in traditonal "hospital roles" anymore. 1 just got hired at a long term care facility, but her DOC is ETOH so she does not have a Narc restriction and it isn't an issue.
My suggestion is to look at case management or QA.
When I went to interview for my job 2 years ago, I "sold" myself first, then when I was pretty sure I was going to be offered the job, I explained about the IPN.
The manager was fine with it b/c she has hired other RN's in the program, but I really stressed that I was "safer" than any other nurse because I am monitered frequently...and furthermore, I have to really work hard to prove myself.
I don't know the terms of your program, but in the IPN you do not have to divulge your participation UNTIL you are offered a job! Hopefully by then they are sold on you and willing to give you a chance.
It also helps to have your peer facilitator write a letter of recommendation for you as well. Some of the people in my group did this and it helped them. She is also very willing to speak with prospective employers before, during or after an interview to explain the IPN and what it means and to dispell and myths and preconceived ideas to the public.
I know most of us sent out dozens of resumes, it is a numbers game...but eventually something will turn up.
good luck
PS Is your License on restriction by the state? or do you have narcotics restrictons?
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,897 Posts
TNTN- glad to see ur post on the subject. Sure glad I have another recovery friend now. We can learn so much from each other!
I'm Anne, and I am an addict. I was caught diverting meds and lost my job and went to rehab. It really was the ONLY way I would stay alive, because I was slowly killing myself.
Glad ur here! Jack and some of the other posters have really great insight and never mind listening!
Good luck to u!!!!!!!
Anne, RNC