Nurses and Nursing Students: what was/is your biggest pet peeve in nursing school?

Nurses General Nursing


What is your biggest pet peeve about being in nursing school or things that happened while you were in nursing school???

Don't you hate it when:

you study your *$$ off and still dont get an A!

when you hear nursing students say "ewww thats gross" or "it stinks in here, im gonna throw up" or "ew i cant chage a depends thats so gross" -that drives me nuts! i dont know how these students will make it in the world of nursing....

come on nursing students i know we all have something that really irks us about school (even though we all loooove it!).... :rolleyes:

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
:angryfire it always got me when ...a classmate would invite themselves to a study group and they didn't even bring a book or at least up to date notes. Then they informed all of us that we studied weirdly...

Those people bugged me too bc they only want in to mooch off your hard work. I liked study groups but I hated the stragglers that were too lazy to do their own studying/work and just hung around so they had less work to do.

I had a classmate who every time we had an assignment due (no matter how easy) shed call me to find out what I was putting then shed do something or say something similar. In the beginning I helped her but after awhile it got tiring bc I felt like i was doing work for 2 people, Id end up spending 3 hours helping her with her assignments and then have to do 3 hours of my own work while she went home and went to bed! Eventually I stopped helping her, she failed out the next semester.

After saying I got an A on the exam but I studied my butt off for it, one student replies with, "I got a 94 but I only studied for 2 hours last night. I guess I am just gifted in that department". I find it hard to believe a student can study for just 2 hours and get an A. I think it builds their ego to parade around like they are smarter than everyone else.

My biggest pet peeve in nursing school was professors who knew less about the topic they were supposed to be teaching than the students. I had more than one who borrowed another professor's power point presentation of a topic from some previous term and tried to teach from it without even looking over it first to make sure they actually knew what they were talking about (even looking up at certain slides and saying, "I have no idea what this slide is about so let's just move on"). How were we expected to learn the stuff when the person teaching it was as clueless about it as we were?

lab lottery. arghhhhh.

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