Published Oct 17, 2006
4,491 Posts
Yes On 89 TV Ad: "Stop The Pounding" -
Nurses Vs. Arnold: Terminating Political Corruption Trailer -
"About Time for 89" Best Rap Music Video About a Proposition -
Californians for Clean Elections -
Yes on 89
California Nurses Association League of Women Voters of California, AARP California, Sierra Club California, United Teachers Los Angeles, Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights California, Common Cause California, Clean Money Campaign California, Church IMPACT, California National Organization for Women, Public Citizen California, Retired Teachers Association, Latino National Congress California, Congress of California Seniors, Lutheran Office of Public Policy, Consumer Federation of California, CalPIRG, Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry, Gray Panthers of California, Service Employees International Union, National Association of Social Workers, Democracy Matters, United Food & Commercial Workers, California Black Chamber of Commerce, Senior Action Network, Consumers for Auto Reliability & Safety, Oakland City, Council Marin County Board of Supervisors, etc.
No on 89
Chevron Corporation, Occidental Oil & Gas, State Farm Insurance Automobile Insurance, Southern California Edison, Mercury General Insurance, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E,) Blue Cross Blue Shield, Zenith Insurance Company California, Bankers Association PAC, Chamber of Commerce, Baron Real Estate, Republic Indemnity Company of America, Safeco Insurance Company, Great American Life Insurance Company, Sempra Energy, Sprint Nextel California, Farm Bureau Federation, California Restaurant Association PAC, The Hartford (Hartford Life), Travelers Indemnity Company, Waste Management & Affiliates, Western Growers PAC, Aetna, Inc., 21st Century Insurance, Fireman's Fund Insurance, California Motor Car Dealers Association, California Business Properties Association, California Independent Petroleum Assn.
3,322 Posts
There is no such thing as legislating a 'clean' - if by clean you mean money access controlled - election. All it does is move the graft from end source to beginning source.
Money is the mother's milk of politics.
All this would do is put some politicians on the public dole: but only the ones that calculate it as an advantage.
The issue here isn't 'fairness' but simply another way to scam the system.
Believe me, every single one of these 'campaign reform' schemes is just that: a scheme devised by some group that has calculated the political advantage of such a system.
Look at your supporters: Democratic leaning organizations. That tells the tale. I'll give you a way to prove me wrong: find an organization or two on your 'pro' list that actively supports the Governator. Certainly, a 'balanced' agenda here would find across the political spectrum support.
Look at the national campaign finance reform law. The only real Republican support was McCain and THAT is expiation for him being one of the 'Keating Five' Senators that used graft in such a way as to trigger the S&L scandal of the '80's.
It seems sort of hypocritical of Democrats to support putting rich people on the public dole: but then, political advantage outweighs hypocrisy, right?
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Good Post Tim. I'm voting NO on 89.
And McCain's campaign finance reform bill was the reason I won't vote for him if he runs for prez.
Good Post Tim. I'm voting NO on 89. And McCain's campaign finance reform bill was the reason I won't vote for him if he runs for prez. steph
I won't vote for him, either. If he is the '08 nominee, Roy will be happy 'cause the Libertarians will get another vote.
Hillary will likely be happy, as well. . . Although, if Condi is the VP for McCain, I might vote for him just out of triangulation for Condi's eventual Presidency.,1,3526665.column?coll=la-headlines-pe-california