Nurses can you please check this?

Nurses Job Hunt


It is my employment history. I have been self employed for a long time and want my resume to look good. At the moment I am not sure what to put.

Can you please add more or fix the below:


Self Employed 03/2003-01/2011

I worked closely with clients to design and maintain several online stores including,, and many others. I designed using HTML, PHP, CSS, XHTML and javascript programming languages. My priority was to keep each customer satisfied with my work and to complete each project in a timely and professional matter. I have always been a very hard worker and know that I would be a good asset to anyone's company.


I do not know how to add anything that would look good to a nurse recruiter. I have always been a very hard worker but its hard to show everything I do in one paragraph.

Hi, instead of "self-employed", I would put "Web designer" in bold then self-employed underneath it.

But i would re-format the entire resume that way do it didn't look odd

Hi, instead of "self-employed", I would put "Web designer" in bold then self-employed underneath it.

But i would re-format the entire resume that way do it didn't look odd

Thanks I made the change you mentioned! In the last sentence about being a good asset to anyone's company. Is there a way to make it sound more towards a good asset to a healthcare field?

Glad to help :)

I would put those sentences in bullet point format.

The last sentence, I would remove from the resume and put in the cover letter.

P.S: not a recruiter, lol, just wanted to clarify

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Moved to our Nursing Resume Help forum. Check the stickied threads for great resources.

Specializes in Home Care.

Your web design experience is applicable to any job you apply for.

To be successful you had to use time management skills, attention to detail, interpersonal communication skills, problem resolution, and other skills that I'm sure you can think of.

So be sure to add these skills somewhere in your resume and/or cover letter.

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