Nurses behavior towards CNA's?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


So i have a question; the other day I was having a pretty hectic shift. I had a total of eight patients, three of them were brand new admits that were just coming onto the floor. I also was told to move two of my patients to other rooms because they needed to move an unstable patient closer to the nurses station. That meant moving four different beds, plus the patient's belongings. I had to get my admit kits for two of the patients that had arrived, when the third one arrived. The nurse was in there with the patient, doing her assessment on him. She asked me to take his blood pressure, but I also had to check three of my patients sugars before they ate their dinners. The nurse got upset that I didn't check his BP when she had asked. I went in there and took it, while she was in the room with me. Isn't that something that she could have done, seeing that I was busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off? It's like she didn't even care that I was busy, she just wanted to tell me what to do, and for me to do it when she had asked. She then asked me to recheck his BP at a later time. During the time she had asked me to recheck his BP, he needed to use the bathroom. He was in there for a minute, and when he was finished, he needed my help, so I helped him clean up. While I was doing that, I noticed a stage II/III sore on his bottom. I asked him if the nurse had assessed his bottom when she was doing her assessment and he told me no. I told him that I was going to get her so she could look at his bottom and that I was also going to come back and get his BP. When I saw her, she asked me what his BP was and I told her that he was using the bathroom during the time she had asked me to take it. I told her that he had a sore on his bottom that I wanted her to check out and she then said that she wasn't trying to be mean, but when she tells me to check a BP, it needs to be done at that moment. I checked it, and she checked his sore. After that, we didn't end up talking to each other the rest of the shift.

Does she have that right to speak to me like that? Basically like I was her little slave and that I needed to do what she told me to do at that moment? I've never had any of the other nurses speak to me like that, and actually I've had nurses do something for me because they knew I was busy. It's like she just didn't want to do it. What is a CNA's/PCA's/MA's right when it comes to nurses talking down to them? I always do what my nurses ask of me, but I won't lie, there have been a few times where I have forgot something, but had always remembered a little bit later. These were things as small as bring the patient a blanket, or some new socks. Is there a way to handle these situations? Especially since I feel like she completely missed a big part of her assessment, which was the skin assessment, and if it wasn't for the fact that I had helped him in the bathroom, I would have never found that sore.

Half the time I can't take my own vitals because the CNAs like to hide the machines. They snag the ones they like and play keep away from the other CNAs. I'll find them tucked away in a room behind a curtain charging. :sniff: :)

At least it was plugged in and charging! We have staff members who forget and when the next shift comes in to do vitals, the machines are present, but the batteries are dead.

Half the time I can't take my own vitals because the CNAs like to hide the machines. They snag the ones they like and play keep away from the other CNAs. I'll find them tucked away in a room behind a curtain charging. :sniff: :)

Yes! This happens all the time at our hospital too!

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