Published Sep 24, 2011
3,413 Posts
I have looked in the search and FAQ sections. I can't find the answer? After so many months or years are old posts automatically deleted?
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Posts are edited and/or deleted/removed from view for various reasons. If you ever look for something and cannot find it, please post in the help desk for assistance (link found a the bottom of any page) and the Admins will communicate with you.
As for old posts deleted/edited/removed, unless there are concerns or the old post finally is "discovered" to be TOS, then action might be taken upon discovery.
Also, some threads are "dug up" that are very very old and no longer relevant. These might be either closed or removed from view as necessary.
If a personal post is ever edited/deleted/moved from view, you will be notified as to why with opportunity to communicate with Administration.
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
Let me add to this that, barring the reasons sirI mentioned above, threads are archived and do stay available. Entering keywords into Google can bring up threads from last week, last year or five years ago.
We sometimes close threads if they had a timely application. I can remember one in which a member said that she was fearful about things an ex was trying to pull. Someone resurrected the thread and posters started giving her suggestions for keeping herself safe and PMing staff with their concerns. We had to point out that the thread was something like three years old. I think the OP even weighed in and said she was fine.
So, the ultimate answer to your question is that no, AN does not automatically delete threads. Unless they are closed or removed for a specific reason, they remain available.