Published Mar 27, 2022
19 Posts
After a ongoing battle with the Professional Board I was promoted from Nurse 2/12 (after 5 years of denial) to Nurse 3/11. Attached is my proficiency which finally was approved.
VA Proficiency 2020 Susan Bucino MSN RN CCRN Promoted Nurse 3 Step 11.docx
OUxPhys, BSN, RN
1,203 Posts
1 Post
How does the grade/level/step scale work?
Nurse 1 = Grade 1??
What step would a Nurse 1 level 3 fall into?
Nurse 1/Step 3 may be an Associate prepared nurse with 1 or 2 years experience. You gain a step every other year. I entered as a Nurse 2/ Step 11 after having my RN Diploma & BSN since 1979.I worked in the private sector from 1979-12/30/2013. I went to Nurse 2/Step 12 2015, once I finished my MSN it took years to promote. Nurse 3/Step 11, I will automatically promote in 2024 to Nurse 3/Step 12 which is the max unless I want to be a Chief. I am retiring in 2024 & I worked my last 10 years with the VA before I retire to receive my full medical/dental & vision packet and my 1% of salary monthly for life of my 3 highest earning years. I also leave with a retirement package and my Thrift Savings Plan. Had I known prior I would have applied for the VA 29 years prior and already retired. By 2024 it will be 45 years working as a CCRN, but I will leave with benefits I deserve and not the Zero benefits from the private sector!
Amy Floyd
I have been trying to learn what the promotion to nurse 3 is- you go to the same step as you were at 2? So a N2 step 6 would become a nurse 3 step 6? When I got a 2 the rule is the promotion had to be equal to at least the dollar amount or greater than 4K . Do you know what the actual rule is? I can not find it on OPM . I have had my MSN for 5 years and worked in leadership- still a 2. It’s frustrating. Congratulations on getting your 3 finally!
No, I was a Nurse 2/Step 12 for 5 years. Moving to a Nurse 3 I thought I would be a Step 9 or 10 as that was approx $3,000 more than I was making. I was also unable to locate the exact as it seems all VA’s are slightly different. The GS staff more to equal or higher salary plus an additional step. They chose to move me to higher salary plus an additional step. So they could have given me a 9 which would be about 2000.00 more but gave me step 11 which was over 4,000.00 more. Ask your Union as the board seems to have their own rules which change frequently
mumarada, BSN, RN
47 Posts
Hi Sue, I just saw your post. I'm new to the VA. I wanted to know since you were Nurse 2/Step 12 for 5 years, did you still get raises? I see with each step you get a raise but then there are raises too?
I only received across the board raises. Nurses with years of less experience & no BSN or MSN we’re advancing their salary by the annual increase & their step increases. Totally not fair. Now, finally my salary is significantly higher than their salary. Plus I received 6 months of back pay since the board was dragging their feet to promote.
I also think the board should rotate other staff members every two years as the members seem to promote only those who are friendly with them or their friends who give recommendations to promote other friends. It is truly a good old boys club and should be if not rotated then demolished.
Thank you! I appreciate you replying so quickly. I'm still learning about everything. Take care
53 Posts
Congratulations! I just finished onboarding process in VA, going in as nurse 2 step 5. Seeing how haed it is to promote to nurse 3. Contemplating should I just do my quick MSN and re apply. Anyways do you guys know if night differential pay varies per area or is it standard? I hear 10%-19%? Thanks