Nurse in Recovery

Nurses Recovery


Hey.. I am a nurse in recovery. My state (Virginia) has just allowed me to go back to practice and I have had a long hard few months of searching for work. Does anyone have any advice? I have been clean 2 years and I really feel passionate about nursing. I have 8 years of nursing experience. I worked in acute care hospital, ER, float pool and long-term care. I am eager and excited but feeling a little discouraged as so many people have turned me down after I tell them my story.

Great idea. I will check on that. Thanks

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

Congrats on your recovery and sobriety - you might try looking into psych and or addiction recovery hospitals - they tend to be more forgiving of past mistakes and able to work with stips and restrictions. I went to work in psych 15 years ago when in a monitoring program and never looked back - I love what I do.


My first job in monitoring was home health. In Texas they allow that as long as I see my manager face to face once a day and call in once a day. After 8 months of home health I found a job in a small free standing ER/urgent care clinic. TPAPN allows this even though I'm the only nurse there during my shifts because instead of having a nurse supervising me, they allowed the doc on shift to assume that supervisory role. Not sure if your program will allow that but it never hurts to check!

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