Published Mar 10, 2004
451 Posts
I have been reading the discussion under LVN/LPN are we regarded as proffesionals...(paraphrased). I have also been to the NFLPN site and was suprpised by the lack of traffic on the message board (especially since this one is so busy!) I am refreshing after 9 years out and I am wondering nothing has changed much since I practiced last.
I am curious about some things...
Who are you...
Where are you...
Do you have a nurse practice act in your state?
Are you familliar with it?
Do you belong to the NFLPN?
Are you concerned with the regulation of LPN Practices?
What about a national level system...One where we get graded pay based on additional certifications, training, years of service etc....
I guess what I am trying to find out is do we, as a group of individuals in a high stress - high responsibility career - care about the treatment we receive as a professional body?
I realize that many of us have kids, school and other commitments that demand our energy on a daily basis and delving into the politics of nursing is a large task. At the same time I am concerned about the lack of organized support the LPN/LVN has available.
So here's me.
Kate - Mama to 3 under 6
LPN seeking licensure through endorsement in TX
We have no LVN practice act
I haven't joined yet...seeing if I can stir some interest though
I think it's obvious that I am concerned with LVN/LPN as a whole.
Thanks for reading this lengthy post. I look forward to hearing who's out there :)
come on you you hate this thread or what. what if i add the question what is your favorite night time snack? :)
46 Posts
I have been reading the discussion under LVN/LPN are we regarded as proffesionals...(paraphrased). I have also been to the NFLPN site and was suprpised by the lack of traffic on the message board (especially since this one is so busy!) I am refreshing after 9 years out and I am wondering nothing has changed much since I practiced last.I am curious about some things...Who are you...Where are you...Do you have a nurse practice act in your state?Are you familliar with it?Do you belong to the NFLPN?Are you concerned with the regulation of LPN Practices?What about a national level system...One where we get graded pay based on additional certifications, training, years of service etc....I guess what I am trying to find out is do we, as a group of individuals in a high stress - high responsibility career - care about the treatment we receive as a professional body?I realize that many of us have kids, school and other commitments that demand our energy on a daily basis and delving into the politics of nursing is a large task. At the same time I am concerned about the lack of organized support the LPN/LVN has available. So here's me.Kate - Mama to 3 under 6 LPN seeking licensure through endorsement in TXWe have no LVN practice actI haven't joined yet...seeing if I can stir some interest though I think it's obvious that I am concerned with LVN/LPN as a whole.Thanks for reading this lengthy post. I look forward to hearing who's out there :) TIA.Kate
I am a "recycled" (that means old) recent grad...used to be a Head Start teacher
43 years old, married with children..his-mine-and ours, plus an adopted child with FAS...2 of our children have complex medical conditions...thus my interest in nursing. 5 kids all together, just 2 still at home. One forever. Hubby is an RPT, MBA.
Just took the Nclex and it freaked me out
We do have a practice act, which I'm very familiar with...I thought all states do...
I am very concerned about the RN's pushing the LVN's out of acute care in CA, a very hot political issue right now.
What is NFLPN? Is it something that I should join??? I'm very interested in becoming politically active because I feel like LVN's are being treated poorly and given the current nursing shortage and our level of skill, we need to have more RESPECT!
CashewLPN, LPN
348 Posts
hiyas.. interesting thread....
My name is Barbara, I am the Moderator of this forum, as well as an LPN of about 5 years.. (graduated LPN school in '99)
New York City
Yes, and Yes...
no. They're an interesting organization...
I am concerned in the effect that LPN is still nursing, where some people want to lower it to the status of an aide... I do acknowlage that we are not RN's, and should not have the same duties/responcibilities as an RN... but, we should be allowed to participate in the nursing community to the extent of our training and certifications allow...
My favorite night time snack for the moment is...(Forgive me, I'm PMS'ing and on Prednisone... Japanese Shrimp Chips, Pine Nuts, and, Rice Crackers with white truffle cream from dean and deluca.)
38 Posts
Look at the Nurse Practice Act for the state of Texas. The TX BNE has made some changes with reguards to LVN's. The LVN Board has been absorbed into the RN State Board of Nurse Examiners of TX in Austin. They are setting/writing job descriptions as to what LVN can be deligated to do in the workplace.
You might want to try to contact them for more informaiton about licensure through endorsement.
Hope this helps.
hi purpl.... i am in the process of getting endorsed now...hope to be getting my temp license to practice in the next couple of weeks. thanks for the info though.... :)
la la more go around the mulberry bush. i think i'll rename this thread the perfect chocolate cake recipie... :) at the same time i am wondering if this is an indicator of interest in the politics of lpn/lvn .
458 Posts
Let's revive this thread!
I am Diana LPN, I graduated back in the mid 70s. Guess I could pull out my diploma, wherever it is, to find the exact date. LOL
I am on my 3rd husband...widowed at 28 with 2 kids and 6 months pregnanat. Remarried, a big mistake, had to throw him away after 10 years, just couldn't take the abuse after I found out he had begun abusing the kids, by that time 6 all told. 3 boys, a girl and 2 more boys. My current hubby, and last, trapped me when I wasn't looking! Aafter all the trouble I had with my X I wasn't about to do it again. He caught me and still treats me like a queen. I am spoiled rotten in my personal, if I had just had the good sense to get caught by somebody with money! LOL
I worry a lot about the nursing shortage and can not figure out why we do not have people working for us. No nurse had the knowledge and experience to come out of school and work without some kind of orientation and time to get their ground. LPN or RN, doesn't matter. So why do LPNs never (or very very rarely) get credit for continuing to learn after graduation? I firmly believe it's because there are more of them (RNs) and if we gain any ground in climbing that ladder, they may loose a little ground. RNs are the DONs, these are the people, protecting their own who perpetuate the need for "all RN staff" and the like.
It's time we find a way to stand up and be heard. I have been the charge nurse in an acute care hospital. I have worked in a hospital that, in the procedure book could be found a statement by the DON that said the LPN and "do" anything the RN can do. It went on to say that ALL nurses will show the ability and knowledge to perform before it is done.
I really enjoyed that hospital.
4,491 Posts
1. I am in California
2. We have separate boards and practice acts for LVNs & RNs here
3. Was an LVN for 19 years, an RN almost as long
4. I must be concerned with both practice acts because of being responsible for the nursing care for my assigned patients. If I assign an LVN to do something outside the scope of practice both our licenses are on the line.
Many LVNs are so knowledgable, experienced, and smart it would be easy to ask them to do more than the LVN license allows (such as assessment including the care plan).
Here is a link to our national organization.....I am almost done refreshing my license and am in clinicals....was Just one shining example of what I see wrong with vocational/practical nursing. We don't even have a cohesive name! What is up with this?
Also - Texas does not have a nurse practice act for LVN's. grrrrr. so if I am "trained" I can access a central/pic line. I can do chemo. (says so right on the website) I just don't get it. The hospital winds up being the one to dictate my scope of practice based on their comfort level (or their attnys). Also, assessments (which have been a topic of conversation again) it is up to the hospital to decide if I need to be signed off or not. WHAT? I swear....LPN's - we got to get it together. XXOO Kate
Marty LPN
8 Posts is a link to our national organization.....I am almost done refreshing my license and am in clinicals....was Just one shining example of what I see wrong with vocational/practical nursing. We don't even have a cohesive name! What is up with this?Also - Texas does not have a nurse practice act for LVN's. grrrrr. so if I am "trained" I can access a central/pic line. I can do chemo. (says so right on the website) I just don't get it. The hospital winds up being the one to dictate my scope of practice based on their comfort level (or their attnys). Also, assessments (which have been a topic of conversation again) it is up to the hospital to decide if I need to be signed off or not. WHAT? I swear....LPN's - we got to get it together. XXOO Kate
Hi I'm new to this site, but am familar with and share some of your frustrations. I live in NY state, and have been a LPN for 21 years.( went through a high school practical nurse program that was affiliated with a local catholic I really don't see a RN as the enemy, I see them as fellow nurses, and most RN's I've worked with see me in the same light. I see the goverment as being behind the times. In NY state the LPN does not have assessment privilidges. I wrote the state board of nursing asking if this was the case, then why do practical nurse programs in NYS teach students to assess?....The answer I received was "practical nurse schools are free to teach what they want"....Now I ask you, does this make any sense?
I work in a acute care hospital, on a cardiac care unit. I have been certified in rhythm interpetations, hold ACLS, etc. Doesn't really change the way I can practice, but does make a difference in understand and anticipating the care that is needed in a urgent or emergent situation.
I am familar with the NFLPN, and NAPNES, in which I hold a national certification in pharmacology.(not required for a LPN in NYS, however I believe this certification is in other states).
LPN's in Canada do have more in depth nurse practice acts, most of which allow a LPN greater responsiblities(such as IV puch medications, assessments, etc) yet still have RN's who clinically supervise the LPN. Seems to me that this is a good system. Prove your competancy in a specific area to the state, then be allowed to practice.
What do you think?.....doubt it'll happen here in the states...too much red tape...LOL
28 Posts
Who are you...Where are you...
LPN...for 22 years, first received LPN in Wyoming, moved/worked in Montana, am now in Oregon looking for work and accepted to RN program this fall.
Yes. They have one in each state I have worked in.
I know what the scope of my practice is. Is this what you are asking?
Never heard of it, but see there is a thread with the web address, so I will check it out.
No, not really. I am concerned that some states call us LPN's while others use LVN.
I have only worked acute care and have been always treated very well by RN's/MD's, etc. Of course, there has been the occassional RN who looks down their noses and are completely stupid about what we know and what we can do...I have had so many patients' and nurses alike think that I was a RN. I am and will always be VERY proud of being an LPN and plan to use my RN to advocate for LPN professionals across the board.
Any negative that I have come across in the last 20 years has turned to be positive for me, so I might consider myself lucky in that respect.
Only those unsure of their own nursing abilities subject their negativity unto LPN's....usually these are the ones who were "book smart" student nurses and have no common sense and lack critical thinking skills!!