Just wondering, since I have one of my own... what are your phobias as a nurse? I know some people don't like sputum (the deeeeep down thick stuff) and so on, but is there something of which you have a deep down, debilitating fear? I guess it doesnt even have to be related to nursing...
FYI, this crossed my mind because I have a memory of being 6 years old or so and the movie Mask being on the TV (the Cher one, not the Jim Carrey one) and I cried and hid in the closet. Now, maybe that didn't do it, but I honestly have a fear of that kind of deformity. I can't even watch the FX channel because I saw on the channel guide the other day that it was on. And recently, there was a yahoo news picture of a severely deformed boy's face, and I nearly passed out. I haven't been to my 'My Yahoo' page in over a month now. Weird? I dunno, but I get upset just thinking about it at home alone.