Nurse Fraud


I have question that I can not find an answer. I hope somebody on this site can help me. I was at a Dr.'s office and a person not even an nursing assistant introduced herself as his nurse! Did she do anything wrong? What shoul she represent herself as? As somebody who has gone to school it made me mad that somebody can land a job skip school and appoint herself a title she has not earned. To make it worse the doctor called her hi nurse! What are the penalties for something like that?

There have been many threads on here about misrepresenting yourself as a nurse. Of course it is wrong, and a Dr calling her a nurse if he knows she is not, is also wrong. First make sure the person is no way a nurse. Then, send a letter to the Dr informing him about your concern that he and this person are calling themselves a nurse and you want it to stop. As for what to beyond that, call your board of nursing and explain the situation, they will lead you from there.

I agree with the above poster. It is illegal in every state for a person who is not a licensed nurse to represent themselves as such. In some states it's a misdemeanor, in others, a felony.

I would google the nursing board in your state and search "nurse imposter" to see what your BON says about it. I would also send a letter to the doc and the board informing each of your concern.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
I agree with the above poster. It is illegal in every state for a person who is not a licensed nurse to represent themselves as such. In some states it's a misdemeanor, in others, a felony.

I would google the nursing board in your state and search "nurse imposter" to see what your BON says about it. I would also send a letter to the doc and the board informing each of your concern.

:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:

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