World International


I'm a Registered Nurse here in the Philippines and I want to work in the United States as a Nurse Attorney someday, and, I'm now going to take the NCLEX-RN exam soon so that I can have my United States registered Nurse License. And this year I'm going also to a Law school here in the Philippines to have a law degree.

Since Registered Nurses here in the Philippines can already work as a nurse there in the United States, my question is, if I'm going to be a graduate of Law here in our country, the Philippines, can I also apply for a bar exam in USA?

What would be the requirements? Is there any discrimination that Filipinos can not be accepted as Nurse Attorneys because of the fact that I had my Law degree in our country and not in USA?

Or, can I also work there as a Legal Nurse Consultant?

Please help me with these queries I have. God bless you all. Hail to all NURSES of the world!

SSN - Social Security Number:

You apply for one in person (if you enter USA on immigrant or non immigrant Visa), It's basically used to work and is your ID #.

I don't think Cali. will issue a RN Licenses, unless you provide a SSN. I think the state of Vermont and some other state will issue a license without a SSN.

Do some more research and find out what states issue licenses w/o SSN.

No You can't apply for the Bar Exam in USA,with Law Degree from PI.

I don't know the detail, But I think years of schooling in USA would be required first.

You can probably find your answer on the net regarding requirements for Foreign Trained lawyers trying to pratice in USA.

YES You can apply for the bar in the US with a law degree from the Philippines

the most reliable poster here would have to be Itzallgood since she is now a US nurse attorney who obtained her bsn and law degrees from the Philippines. others just give their opinion and pitch in either incorrect or irrelevant information. :D

my bad, i was referring to er desert rn, lol

Thank you for the replies guys.. I appreciate it...

I'm really looking forward to be a nurse attorney there in the United States someday, or a Legal Nurse Consultant...

I will try my best to pass the NCLEX-RN and Bar exams in thUnited Statese . My cousins are already Registered Nurses and a Lawyer there in the United States and that I hope and looking forward that I can be one like them someday.

God bless guys! Happy Easter!

Your cousin is a lawyer in the US, is your cousin also an attorney? There is a difference between the two. Your cousin doesn't know if you can take the BAR in the state that you wish to practice in? I would ask your cousin to get his/her input.

For er_desertrn:

can you pm me your e-add, i would like to ask advice from you regarding taking bar exams in US.


so did you pass the nclex? how's your law schooling coming along?

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