Number One Pet Peeve in Nursing School: Future "Paycheck Nurses"

Nursing Students General Students


Okay so heads up: this may or may not be a rant.

I'm in my 4th semester of nursing school and have one more to go (graduating in August!!) and I truly have a deep passion for nursing and I am very excited to get out into the field.


I am SO tired of the future "paycheck nurses" in my class. Just to clarify (and this is from an instructor not me) a paycheck nurse is a nurse who really has little to no interest in the field of nursing outside of the job security and pay. You know the kind, probably older, probably doing nursing as a second career, or younger and still thinking "I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up but nurses are paid pretty well so here we go!". My class is pretty large (started around 150 people, now down to about 80) and a good few of the people who just wanted the good pay and a "guaranteed" job were weeded out pretty quickly (usually shortly after they realized nursing school required effort) but unfortunately there are still a few left.

It just really grinds on my nerves when I see them passing (barely passing, more often than not) while people who truly want to be nurses, who would be great nurses, fail. These paycheck nurses in training are pretty open about why they're in nursing school (they're nothing if not honest), but they're negative attitudes in class and clinical is getting pretty old pretty quick.

In class they're the ones on their phones the whole time checking facebook or whatever, and when they do decide to tune in to the lecture they ask questions the instructor just answered and waste everyone's time (thankfully the instructors are starting to call them out on it but still). They're the ones bragging about having not even bought the book or taken it out of the plastic wrapping, but not bragging about their grades. In my school, after the first two semesters attendance isn't mandatory (lectures/powerpoints are recorded and posted online) and you can go hybrid and only come to class for tests, and they tend to be the ones who only come for tests.

In clinical they like to hide, doing the bare minimum patient care and avoiding anything they don't want to do (answering call bells, giving baths, assisting pts to the bathroom, skills, etc.) and when asked to do these things by the clinical instructor they roll their eyes and whine about it the rest of the day. If a fellow student asks for help they look at them like their stupid and spout little gems like "Ew gross, no." or "That's CNA ****" or my personal favorite "I'm an RN student so go find an LPN or CNA or something."

NOTE: Our school really emphasizes, and I firmly believe, that nothing is beneath us at clinical; if someone asks for/needs help then we should help them.

I know the news and everyone likes to talk about nursing be the land of milk and honey, and that kind of representation attracts this kind of person but I can't help but think that if paralegals or electronics technicians or some other associate degree accessible career were paid more than nurses then these people would be sitting in legal or electronics classes instead of medsurg ones.

ALSO: I don't mean to say that every second career nursing student, or older nursing student, or anyone is automatically a paycheck nurse in training. I have several friends that are older/second career who are in nursing school because they want to be nurses, and they are just now having the chance to pursue their dream for whatever reason. I have nothing for respect for anyone going through nursing school for the right reasons, but I have a hard time respecting those who don't respect the profession enough to treat it as anything other than a meal ticket.

I completely agree and don't worry about the negative responses. Obviously they didn't understand that you just needed to blow off steam or maybe you hit a little too close to home for some of them! Good luck!
Thanks! I definitely agree with your analysis of the negative comments.

This type of behavior doesn't fly at my school. Even if a student passed the tests, if they acted like that during clinical they would be failed for it. Those types of people are only hurting themselves - it doesn't sound like they are setting themselves up to have a successful career.

Thanks for all the responses! Just remember this is a rant on something that annoys me (and evidently several others). I realize it's a seemingly trivial thing but most pet peeves seem that way to everyone except the person it bothers.

Just to clarify a few points:

1: I realize why they are there is none of my business, and I never said it was. It becomes my business, however, when they (or anyone to be fair) interacts with me personally or the class/clinical group as a whole with a poor attitude.

2: The people I'm speaking of have repeatedly used their reasons for being in nursing as an excuse for having bad attitudes and poor work ethics. For example, a girl my age in my class with a bachelor's degree in business constantly whines when given patient care tasks because she "[is] just going to be a unit manager and never really see patients when [she] graduates anyway."

3: I realize several people other than the few who make everyone's days longer are probably there for the same reason (which is fine!) but why do I not know they are just there for their perceived future pay? They have good attitudes and excellent work ethics. I am more than happy to work with someone who wants to put in good work for good pay and I respect them very much for it.

4: I have helped several of my friends understand content as best as I could so they could pass classes, however I can only do so much, and as anyone who has gone through nursing school will tell you nursing school is hard.The people who annoy me that pass and pay tuition are fully entitled to come to class, and I don't mind that one bit until they bring their crappy attitudes with them.

5: No, I do not intend on working for free upon graduation, but thank you so very much for being so kind as to take time from your busy day to post such a well thought out and articulated comment that contributed so much depth and insight into the topic.

Like I said, thanks for all the comments and please post more! I love reading them! I really do appreciate you taking time to read my thoughts, and sometimes even share your own, even if mine made you roll your eyes back so far you could see your optic nerves :up:

Specializes in CICU.

Another paycheck nurse here... I went to nursing school because it is what I had intended when I was young, but got sidetracked. I needed a solid job that would allow me to move back to my homeland. I knew it was something I would be successful at.

I work critical care, and like to think I am half-way decent at it. Its a good job, and sometimes I really enjoy it. My patients, families, and co-workers seem to appreciate me. I get good reviews from my managers. Not bad, even without all the passion.

My passions? Charity work, gardening, first-person shooter video games, hanging out with friends and family. None of which pay any of my bills...

This is my second semester and I can tell that there are a lot of people in my class that aren't really "into" nursing. Maybe the paycheck nurses will find a passion for nursing in just the right job, or maybe they will have their butts handed to them one day because they don't give a rip. Just keep on keeping on! Oh, and our instructors let us know up front that in the hospital the nursing student is low man on the totem pole. Nothing should be beneath us. The same goes for when we are nurses as well. Shame.

Really? Who cares? Everyone wants a fat paycheck and job security!

My biggest pet peeve, 3 semester into nursing school? Drama. #2? One girl in our class who has a second cousins sisters aunts dogs brother who has had every disease process known to man. With a long drawn out story to go with it.

Umm lets all be honest here....we are all people person and love nursing..but it can tire you out....and at at the same time we all know if the pay wasn't stable enough for us to have a family life- half of us would not go into that field. It flexible and the variety of jobs we can take on once you be a nurse is enormous. And even so as nurses- we still get under pay....compared to the amount of physical and mental work we do. But that can never change- the healthcare just costs too darn much. My philosophy is treat others the way you want to be treated. People will change, some mature faster than others. Those nurses who I would call immature for their age, will learn at some point in their life and actually appreciate nursing. Everyone is good after all. Just don't let them bother you. But your rant was understandable and amusing. We are all at different stages in life and it is not for us to judge. Period.

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I'm most certainly an older, 2nd, maybe even possibly considered a 3rd career changer... who is pursuing Nursing as a future career. Could I be considered a so-called "paycheck nurse"? Yes. I am absolutely. And I am most certainly in the field for the paycheck. I need to provide for my family, so that they can live a more comfortable life. That does not mean that I am solely and selfishly self focused. For me, nursing is more of an expression of who I am, rather than merely a job that puts dollars in my pocket.

Most of the previous jobs that I have held were actually caregiving type jobs. My current job is not one of those, but it does meet a need. A few years ago I came to the conclusion that I needed a different job, and I needed to get back into doing patient care. Nursing happens to be a job that meets a need, allows me a lot of flexibility should I need it, and provides me the ability to provide for my family.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy nursing 100% and then some. I am also a 4th semester student, and should be graduating this May. With all of that said, please make no mistake about it: I do not work for free, unless it somehow benefits me. That benefit does not have to be monetary. I do expect to enjoy nursing for a very long time, I also expect to work very hard at being a nurse, I also expect to be paid for what I do.

Because I have previous experience in the healthcare industry, I do have some insights into things, specifically my own attitudes towards providing care to others. When it comes to being a nurse, there are lots of different ways to be a nurse, and lots of different attitudes towards that. Ultimately, as long as the patient is cared for safely, and in a competent manner, and the patient has no idea whether or not the nurse taking care of them is a "paycheck nurse" or a "nurse idealist" I think there is nothing else to really complain about as far as whether or not your coworkers or your classmates are in the job for the "wrong" reasons.

In the long run, there is going to be a certain amount of attrition that is going to automatically take care of those nurses that really aren't into it and would rather do something else. Of their own accord, they will find their way into a different job. I won't have to bug them, bother them or otherwise try to push them out as they will do it anyway.

It can be upsetting but don't let them bother you.There's always people like that in the field.As long as you do your job right that's all that matters.Going to nursing for the wrong reasons will eventually catch up with them.Sooner or later,believe me...

I took a HUGE pay cut for the job I am currently in to gain some health care experience, while taking pre-reqs. I volunteered for FREE for a year and 9 months at a hospital bathing, moving, diapering, comforting, emptying urinals, feeding, cleaning, answering phones, stocking, crying, laughing and loving every minute of it! I rotated through 5 depts. in that time and got a true sense of how a hospital operates. This is my second career and my first made ALOT more money. I won't be working for free though ;-)

I have one more class for prereqs then apply to nursing schools. I have all A's in prereqs so far and a 3.4 GPA and work currently as an EMT-B. I am older and this IS something I always wanted to do but was committed to my family and could not drop my other work and go to school-they came first. Now it is my turn. I think your added comment at the end is you saw that your rant was in haste and you obviously have a student or two that are older and you lumped the rest of us into that group. tisk tisk. OK one thing we always say at work and school and volunteering is:


Put your heart into it and love it.

Put your time and efforts into it and be good at it.

Put complaints and judgments and grief into it and hate it.

Your choice-don't worry about others and just do it.

Specializes in ICU.

I am one of those "older" students going back since I am getting a divorce I have to provide for me and my son. I have to respectfully disagree with you. I find that the younger, just out of high school kids are the ones who lack work ethic. The ones that couldn't believe now that they were out of high school that our school has an attendance policy and why should they have to come to class.

I worked in a variety of fields for many, many years. I have always worked in some kind of customer service position, which has kind of jaded me against people in general. I feel my experience with people will only help me in my nursing career. I am excited to be a nurse. I wouldn't say it has always been my "calling" but I have always had an interest in the medical field and I really don't want to be a doctor, so I thought I would be a nurse. And yes, having a good paycheck helps. If I had decided to stay married and didn't really need a good paycheck, I would maybe do something like an ultrasound tech or something like that. That being said, I don't need someone questioning why I decided to come to nursing school. It's not anyone's business but mine. You have absolutely no idea what is going on in these people's lives outside of school. So only worry about yourself.

I'm not at school to make friends or discuss my life. I am there to make sure I get the best grades I can and be done for the day. What other people do is between them and the instructor. I don't concern myself with them. I guess that is the difference between the "older" student and younger one. We aren't there for a show.

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