Published Oct 19, 2009
35 Posts
OK so I have put my story on a couple of threads at different times about different things so you might
already read about my story. I have tried 3 times into nursing school at local colleges can't seem to get in
for different reasons (mainly my poor GPA) so now I switched to a private school and I'm going to see if I have better luck with 'that. The advice I need from you guys is..... My husband see's how hard it's been for me trying to getin the program. My life is hectic right now without even going to school. I have 2 children ( 4 yo and a
10 month). And I work full time. He mentioned the other day that maybe it would be a good idea for me to wait until the children are in school full time ( So elementary school) because of babysitting issues that we will have. My first response was, I want to be an RN and want to get my school done, and start my career. I don't want to wait 5 yrs from now, and have to retake all my prereqs over again. (Majority of the RN programs I have seen prefer your prereqs done within 5 yrs of applying). My next response was maybe he is right. ( Along with my brother-in-law who's wife already went through the program working part time without any kids). Maybe if I wait and in the mean time take 1 class at a time and in the next 3 or 4 years retake my prereqs for the RN program I could possibly bring my GPA up and maybe be able to apply at my local college ( which is a big difference in price from $53,000 at private school to 4,000 at local college. What would you do????
Thanks In advance
91 Posts
I am 18 years old in my first semester to be an RN. Nursing school is not easy no matter what anyone tells you. Just speaking from my stand point (not in a relationship, no job, living with my parents, and no children) it is difficult. It requires me doing homework every night. Before tests i am pushing 25+ hours 2-3 days before on just studying, not the prep homework.
I understand that you want to get into school, get your degree and get a job. But wouldn't it be better to wait until you had time to study, and then you wouldn't chance having to drop out or not getting passing grades due to your damand at home. I'm not saying its not possible, because it is. But my suggestion would be wait, until your life slows down a little bit. If you are second guesssing your self wait until you 100% know it is the right time for you because then you won't have regrets.
222 Posts
I too entered the nursing career at around the age of 18. During this point, i have talked to a lot of people who are moms. They seemed really motivated and 100% on what theyre doing. They also seem to have much more experience than i do also(kinda jealous of it right now). My advice would be make sure you know exactly what you are doing and leave room for no mistakes. I think it is best to start thinking this way right now before you enter nursing career. Good luck and do not hesitate, just think it through. Sometimes steady and slow wins the race.