Nova Southeastern University ABSN program 2023

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone, 

I didn't see a thread for Nova Southeastern University ABSN 2023 so I wanted to start one. I did both of my applications, ( NursingCas and the school's application) on the same day and I think it took me a little bit over three weeks to hear from them. I have an interview date scheduled for the 13th of next month at the Miami Campus. I am excited and a little bit nervous at the same time. Please feel free to reply or add something. Thanks :) GO SHARKS !!

10 minutes ago, Yasmin490 said:

I am scheduling it for sometime this week since I have until next Monday to take it.

oh wow they give you a cut of date on when you need to take it by? its kind of annoying cause I didn't see anywhere on their website that it is required. also I have never taken it before/haven't studied for it ?


I suggest to start studying for it. It’s really not that hard.  How long ago did you take your A&P 1/2 classes? I HIGHLY suggest watching thetutor_geek and The Amoeba Sisters on Yt . 

Yes, the TEAS exam is required as a nursing entrance exam. Many people have said it is not really hard but I HIGHLY suggest studying at least for the anatomy and physiology portion. There are great resources online to help. I guess the time frame is to secure your seat because they are filling up. The Amoeba Sisters are great for A&P refreshers and other sciences!

Good luck on your test Yasmin, 

Which campus did you apply for? 

Thank you, Faith!

I applied for the Miami campus. 


Does anyone know what to mainly study for the TEAS? & what score we need to get?? 

I am totally freaking out over this?

From what I heard, mostly the science portion including A&P and life sciences. The math and English portion are very easy and you need to get a 67% or more to be considered passing and NSU doesn’t rank you higher based on your score, you just need to pass. The science portion however needs to be over 65%. This is what I’ve heard and what staff told me, I hope that helps! 

For the people who have gotten it, can someone tell me what their grades were like for the prereqs? 

Hello Kaitlyn,

Most of my grades were A's and B's but they allow for C's as long as your overall science GPA is over a 2.75. I hope that helps!

Hi everyone! Wanted to update...I took the TEAS, got an 89, and I got in! Received a phone call saying I got in, but still haven't received an email yet and what my next steps are. 

Hi Kaitlyn,

Congratulations, that’s great news! I just got my acceptance package Friday which is really just a bunch of paperwork to finish, no acceptance letter in the package. However, I received an acceptance email about a week after I got the acceptance call. I believe you get the final steps and package once you pay for your seat in the program. 

Thank you Yasmin! Do you know the start date to the program? I think its January 4th, but just wanted to make sure.

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