if nothing changes nothing changes


Hey, Thank God I am sober today. I am seeking some support. I am celebrating 14 years of sobriety. This is only because "It is a we program instead of an I program". Sometimes, I forget to

ask for help. Never my strong suit, I absolutely qualify.God blessed me and I had my license fully re-instated in 2006. I worked for a local Health Dept. as a caseworker prior to being re-instated, then, Was blessed once again and was able to move to lpn position. I have loved every min. of it, however, for multiple reasons I need a job change. I am scared. I got cozy and havent dealt with job market for years. I know honesty is the key and I have not been dishonest. I had an application that didnt ask and I was offered a travel nurse position. Offer was taken off the table after they saw I had my lisc. discp. Others ask right up front and I know how to answer them. I dont know when to adress it if they dont ask. I am pondering sending a brief letter explaining what they will find when looking up my license.Good Idea or Bad idea? I need a job change with better pay, so, I can meet some medical debt, also, Need out of my comfort zone. Any support would be awesome.

Congrats. I would not send a letter. That is something to discuss in the interview after they have had time to meet you and learn a little about you. Good luck!

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

first congratulations on your sobriety. hopefully this will only be a transcient occurance, I was even allowed to be DON in two Ltc facilities, maybe because it has been some two+decades....... I do hope someone gives you the opportunity you deserve ;)

Hey, congrats on your sobriety! Be proud of yourself! Best advice I can give, don't write a letter specifically about the disciplinary issues--save it for the interview if you get that far. I have had 2 separate disciplinary actions, the first for policy violation, the second for getting a DUI (which is how I landed in a monitoring program, and ultimately got my sanity back!), and my experience has been that, when it does come up, emphasize the positive--what you've learned, how much you have to teach and share with others, how you've grown, how well you've done at your current job, etc.. Above all, don't get discouraged--not everyone is willing to overlook disciplinary and/or addiction issues, especially in a lawsuit-crazy society like ours. Consider it their loss and keep looking!

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