Notes from Acid-Base Balance NCLEX Review


Hello, I hope this helps someone :) I'll continue to post more.

Acid-Base Balance

  1. NG tube attached to low suctioning = risk of metabolic alkalosis
  2. Ph 7.43 (high), PCO2 30 (low), HCO3 22 (normal) = Respiratory alkalosis
  3. Allen's test = ulnar circulation
  4. Kusmaul's respirations = abnormally deep, regular, increased in rate
  5. Potassium > 5 can be expected in DKA metabolic acidosis
  6. COPD clients can develop respiratory acidosis
  7. If client with Gillian Barre has values of Ph 7.25 (low), PCO2 50 (high) the client is experiencing respiratory acidosis
  8. Potassium
  9. Ileostomy = risk of metabolic acidosis
  10. Antacids with bicarbonate can result in metabolic alkalosis

PH Levels 7.35 – 7.45

HCO3 Levels 22 – 26

PCO2 Levels 35 – 45

O2 Saturation 96 – 100


· Acidosis – blockages, hypoventilation, brain trauma

· Alkalosis – overstimulated respiratory system, fever, hypoxia, pain, hysteria


· Acidosis – increased acids in blood or decrease in bicarbonate. DKA, aspirin, fatty diet, malnutrition, renal failure, diarrhea

· Alkalosis – increased bicarbonate or decreased acids. Vomiting, diuretics, excess sodium bicarbonate, hyperaldosterone, massive transfusion.


· Look at pH (High or low?)

· Look at PCO2. If opposite to pH it is respiratory.

· Look at HCO3 if correspondent to pH it is metabolic.

· Compensation happens when pH normalizes.

Side note the PH & Bicarb are both going in the same direction then its metabolic

Kussmal respirations will be metabolic acidosis.

I learned how to calculate acid-base balance, just following the fact that CO2 is an acid, and HCO3 is a base. Then, knowing the normal range numbers, it's very easy to figure out the result :-)

Thank you so much!

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