Notarization Question


Texas here. Had a parent try to drop off a reason of conscience form for immunizations, but my registrar denied it because one of the dates was written over. It said 2017 and someone wrote 2018. I tried to explain the mother but she was arguing with me, stating she doesn't have enough to pay for another one. I suggested her grandmother sent an email that stated the error, but let me ask to see if that's acceptable. I asked my new AP and she basically told me that we shouldn't accept it and the mother needs to get a new one. She said she can back me up too, but I need to find something law-wise that explains this. Can you guys help me find it? I tried to google, but I couldn't find anything on errors.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.
Don't do it. That would be overstepping proper worker-patient boundaries.

I work at a school, we don't have boundaries, especially with my school being lower-income parents. We all paid for our students for things, trust me.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

In TX that's what mom has to do to get the affidavit all legal-like. Your administration is on-point. She needs to do it again. This is not rocket science. Most exemptors have done this at least once. She is trying to guilt you....don't let her!

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