Not an RN but could use some advice..


I am a new CNA and I have been interviewing for a CNA position at two different #1, I would REALLY love to work at. This is my first choice. They pay well, have great benefits, and I really enjoyed my job shadow. I felt that the interview went extremely well and they are currently (as of yesterday) running my background check and reference checks. Place #2, I like it but its 3rd shift, which I don't necessarily want... and its a very small home, so I feel there would be no room for growth. I would be transferring back and forth between 2 of their sites in order to get full time hours. And I kind of got the feeling that I would be doing more housekeeping than anything. This place pays $2 - $3 less per hour than the other place... and no benefits. Currently I am unemployed and need something soon. Place #2 called and offered me the position at 9pm last night and want me to start tonight. Should I call place #1 and ask where I stand with the position? But I also don't want to seem pushy. I don't want to accept #2 and be offered #1 a few days later.... What should I do in this situation?

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

didnt you already ask this question?

Specializes in ICU.

If place #1 is that awesome, it's worth burning a bridge for, right? I'd say take job #2 and quit immediately when/if job #1 wants you to work, or offer to fall back to PRN status and keep it. It's entirely possible that #1 won't call you back at all. You don't want to give up an opportunity that's been handed to you for an opportunity that may or may not materialize.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Having one job is better than possibly having none.

merged duplicate posts

I agree that you should take it until job #1 comes through. I just had this same situation happen.

I would say to wait for the position that you really want to interview for. No place wants to be told as soon as they offer to orient, train, and hire you that you found a better job somewhere else. That takes time and money for them to do. It is called having respect for your employer and being mature about making critical decisions. You are a CNA so you should be familiar with this type of situation. A job is just a job if it doesn't work for you and you don't love it. Low wages, more running that working it seems, and no benefits for a skilled person such as yourself seems like the short end of the stick to me. If you are desperate I would consider the second job, but definitely not until I spoke with my first choice about the decision of an offer being extended.

Specializes in oncology.

You should call place # 1 and ask for their decision. That is if you don't want to lose both jobs. Calling a company about your application is not really pushy. It would only show that you are determined to get the job. So, don't be scared and make that call now. If you are not accepted, then at least you can still get job # 2.

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