Not paid overtime

Nurses General Nursing


I'm leaving my current employer, and I have a question. A 'what would you do' question. I know all the labor laws well in my state. Before I worked in nursing, I was a manager for a food chain. Any day over 8 hours is overtime, and any week over 40 hours (as long as those hours of OT haven't already been paid) is overtime. Also, if you work all 7 days, day 7 is overtime. But that last one doesn't apply.

I work 10 hour shifts, and not once have I been paid overtime. I don't know how my employer gets away with it, but they only pay OT for weeks over 40 hours. Now the question is, do I go after them for the overtime owed to me? Or let it go? What would you do?

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

Believe it or not, most workers in the US are not entitled to a meal break. There is no federal law requiring workers get breaks.

Can My Boss Do That? | Meal & Rest Breaks

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