Fall 2018 Wake Tech Nursing

U.S.A. North Carolina


I have followed previous threads related to applying to Wake Tech's competitive nursing program. I will be applying by January 31 in hopes of starting their nursing program in the fall of 2018. I am currently finishing prerequisites and will be taking the TEAS in January. I hope to be in the 162 point range if I complete my current courses with A's (bio 169 and hum 115) and get top scores on the TEAS (several ifs!).

Anyone else want want to keep up a dialogue as we approach the application deadline? I'd also love to hear from folks on alternate nursing programs and comparisons to the Wake Tech curriculum if anyone has some info to offer.

I have heard they are changing the point structure after this application submission and am also curious if anyone has solid info on that.

Let's get the conversation started!

OK, I just saw your email. It went in my social folder. I just joined! Thank you for doing that!

Please add me as well, I got in: [email protected]

I am just joining in and got my letter I am in

I will send you an invite!

I am applying for the July 31 deadline and my final class is already booked. I am waitlisted, but did any of you take a class at another school? I realize you are already in the program now, but I need advice!

I took almost all of my classes at another school!

Can I ask which one?

Thank you so much for your experience!

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have the points breakdown for classes? I'm in the process of moving so I have no idea where my copy went. I tried looking it up but I can't seem to find it on the website. Thank you in advance!

Eng. 111- 12, 9, 6

Eng. 112- 12, 9, 6

Humanities- 12, 9, 6

G Psy- 12, 9, 6

Dev. Psy- 12, 9, 6

Soc. -12, 9, 6

Mirco - 24, 18, 12

A&P 1 - 32, 24, 16

A&P 2- 32, 24, 16

Teas- 20, 12, 8

Total possible 180

That's the best I could do! I wanted to post a picture, but I couldn't figure out how to. Sorry!

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