Non surgical dressing


Specializes in MDS Coordinator.

A resident is s/p hip repair. He has steri strips in place with a small amount of drainage from the incision. The Md has ordered a dry dressing once daily. Would you consider this a

non surgical dressing since it is not the original dressing from the procedure and code it on M1200G? Or would it be considered a surgical dressing since it is applied to a surgical site and therefore not coded under M1200G? Thanks for your help!

Specializes in ER CCU MICU SICU LTC/SNF.

Non-Surgical dressings defined, RAI p M-40

"This category may include but is not limited to: dry gauze dressings, dressings moistened with saline or other solutions, transparent dressings …"

You are covering a surgical site so is a surgical site, coding under nonsurgical would be inappropriate. You have to think of why you are doing the dressing.

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