Published Apr 17, 2007
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
I did a "change proposal" on lowering noise in the NICU, but I'm trying to think of a catchy title for it. So far it's just... "Noise in the Neonatal ICU" but that doesn't really grab people's attention. Does anyone have any ideas?? Thanks!
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
How about, "Shut up! I'm trying to grow!" :chuckle
BittyBabyGrower, MSN, RN
1,823 Posts does a baby good!
We have a handwashing thing going on that says " Stop, in the name of love! Our lives depend on your clean hands" It has upped our handwashing!
ldh, BSN, RN
70 Posts
This is an interesting challenge - I was thinking:
No More Tears: Be Kind to our Little Ears!
Sound Advice: Be Quiet, be Nice!
or "Sound Advice": "Be Kind to our Growing Ears".....
or "A Soft Voice is Nice: Sound Advice".....
I think it's great that you are preparing such a proposal! Good luck!
62 Posts
I like "Sound Advice".
You could say something like,
Sound Advice: a proposal for improving developmental outcomes in the NICU.
Hearing the ones who cannot speak: How noise levels can be lowered to improve outcomes.
7 Posts
"I can't hear you!....But the babies can!"
Thanks guys! I was outnumbered on this project and everyone wanted "Can you hear me now?" ... ahh well, the rest of the project sounds great even if the title isn't the most accurate. Thanks again!
:smackingf Doh!