No More Nurse Volunteer Programs! DOH Orders Termination of "Nurse Volunteer Programs

World Philippines


Since the old thread about this was closed, I'd like to make a new one about it so that we can address it as it is still very rampant in my country, the Philippines:

Department of Health Secretary Enrique T. ONA, issued memorandum 2011-0238 mandating to terminate all "Nurse Volunteer Programs", "Volunteer Training Programs for Nurses" and all similar or related programs, in all DOH-retained hospitals in the Philippines. "The current practice of registered nurses "volunteering" in hospitals to gain 'work experience' and/or to obtain a certificate of work experience and for purposes of meeting requirements for employment abroad, is not consistent with the provisions of this law (Republic Act 9418: Volunteer Act of 2007)."

In addition, many hospitals have implemented "nurse volunteerism" in the guise of "training programs" in order to justify the collection of "training fees", whereby such basic skills training put no added value to the professional career of the nurses.

Therefore, all DOH hospitals are hereby directed to discontinue all existing programs involving nurses who deliver free services in exchange for work experience/volunteer nurses, volunteer trainings, and all other similar programs. All hospitals-based trainings for nurses should follow a definite career progression to be defined and accredited by the DOH and Professional Regulatory Commision-Board of Nursing.


Original Thread here:

On paper, it stated that this kind of treatment to professional nurses here in my country is illegal. And yet, why is it that this practice is still being conducted? It was 2011 when this memorandum was passed. It is now 2015 and this practice has still not been abolished.

What about other areas besides the hospital like teaching. Maybe teaching these future nurses on what not to do. Or what about private duty, or clinics.

What about other areas besides the hospital like teaching. Maybe teaching these future nurses on what not to do. Or what about private duty or clinics.[/quote']

Playing on the old saying "Those who can, do while those who can't teach"? :sneaky:

I'm afraid even that is not possible. Most nursing schools here in my country have laid off their teaching staff. My mentor from nursing school now works in a call center agency because he was laid off by my alma mater. And even if I want to teach in nursing schools, I do not have the necessary requirements which would be a master's degree and at least 1 year experience in a hospital setting. The collapse of the nursing boom here in my country ensured the decline of these teaching institutions. A lot of nursing schools in my country have already shut down and those that do remain open maintain a strict minimum quota of employed teaching staff.

I've already done private duty and clinic jobs but they are volatile contracts and hard to come by here in my country. Most of my colleagues have become call center agents because of the lack of nursing career opportunities and options here.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

I'm sorry for the conditions and cannot fault you.

It is sadly ironic that nurses are not respected as they should be in a country whose nurses have helped so many.

I hope you find a job you like. It is very sad to me.

I just wish more of my fellow nurses here in my country actually care about this and fight the grave injustice rather than be willing victims. More of them flock this website right now asking how to be slaves in the big hospitals of the Philippines.

Specializes in Acute Care, Trauma, Critical Care, Psych.
That is exactly the kind of apologetic reasoning that keeps our country in the mud. Why is it there are nurses in public hospitals who have to shell the expenses from their own meager income in order to better serve indigent patients? Is it not our government's duty to our people to provide for these things? Where is the financial budget allocated by the local and national government for this? In the deep pockets of our corrupt government officials?

Why is it that board certified and licensed nurses in our country have to pay hospitals just to be slaves and give the said institutions free labor at our expense? Don't you even find it odd that at the first sign of opportunity to leave the country, most professional nurses in our country take it? Why is it when it was declared that nurse volunteerism is illegal, such practices are still widespread and flourishing?

This is exactly the kind of cancer Jose Rizal is talking about our wretched country infecting all sectors and institutions of the Filipino people; That it's okay to be damn slaves and meek sheep. The worst part of it is that the people do nothing about it. Just look at most of our nurses here in the Philippines, they are practically begging corrupt hospital institutions to be its slaves. They want it, and they yearn for it. And when they leave our country, they bring this disgusting nature with them for all the people of the world to see. Pinoy pride.

You are missing the whole point Pacs. I mentioned that specifically to point out some good qualities we Filipino Nurses have. I know because I experienced that first hand when I became a nurse trainee at the National Center for Mental Health under the RNHEALS program under DOH in 2013.

RNHEALS, just like it's predecessor NARS program sought to give tens of thousands of unemployed nurses the opportunity to practice nursing without having to pay for the experience. Under the program, DOH provided nurses a monthly allowance while they render services in DOH hospitals (regional, state, specialty and national hospitals) and local health centers. Some secured a permanent plantilla as staff nurse by the end of the contract. Others had to look for jobs elsewhere locally or abroad and many of them found it easier to be hired in hospitals since they already have an edge.

The era of false volunteerism and training for a fee is slowly ending. Look at what our very own "Ang Nars Party List" is doing. Since owning a place in the Congress, it never stopped to make Filipino Nurses' situation better by bringing up these age old problems of false volunteerism, job security, salary increase and many more into light. They have been working closely with DOH and other government agencies lately and proposing amendments to safeguard the interests of nurses.

Have you ever been employed in any hospitals as a staff nurse or have you ever experienced walking in a government nurse's shoe first hand? While it's all so easy for many people to accuse those who are in practice of being meek sheep, incompetent, indifferent and and what not, those who never had the chance to walk in their shoes would never understand how noble, important and respectable our role is.

You could question, criticize and have a negative attitude towards the government all you want but for all you know, you indirectly are a part of that infected and ailing system because whether you admit it or not, the people who run the very corrupt government you are talking about would not be in power if not because of the people like you and me who elected them to office.

Pinoy pride it is.

If I was ever employed as a hospital staff nurse here in our country, I wouldn't be here talking about how I am still an unemployed registered nurse now, would I? And just because I was never employed as a public hospital nurse here in our country, doesn't mean I am ignorant to their sacrifices and nobility. If anything, I am quite aware of their plight. I have been to the Philippine General Hospital where I have directly observed the deplorable working conditions of doctors and fellow nurses there. I've spoken to colleagues telling me the same story you have. Heck, I even witnessed a fellow nurse crying from the Philippine Orthopedic Center as she had sacrificed her life serving indigent patients for 36 years at the said hospital and yet the government threatens her with unemployment as privatization of the hospital will result in greedy individuals and corporations terminating several nursing job positions for the sake of profit. They don't care about how many years you spent serving the Filipino people as a nurse. All they care about is money. And after they're done with the Philippine Orthopedic Center, hospitals like PGH will be next.

The era of false volunteerism and "training" for a fee is not over. Only large public hospitals have ceased it. Those in the Local Government Units outside of NCR still practice it away from the prying eyes of the DOH and the media. Private hospitals in our country also continue the practice in excess in the form of "training". What's worse, the wages of nurses in private hospitals are much lower than that in public hospitals. Why just a week ago, I called a private hospital to apply for work. They ask me to pay for "Post Graduate Nursing Training" before they can consider the possibility of hiring me.

You forget that you are lucky enough to be part of RN Heals which catered to only but a fraction of unemployed registered nurses. Thousand of us are still unemployed. Are you even aware that RN Heals is no more?

Clearly you are ignorant on the current events of nursing here in the Philippines. Here you go:

Nurses call for justice to save their ‘dying' condition « Bulatlat

That happened just last October 17, 2014. Guess what? It's 2015 and I still can't feel the change you speak of. The "Ang Nars Partylist" you are so proud of? They haven't done anything. Did you know that the nursing coalition group I took part of had to ask the assistance of Bayan Muna representatives just so we could pitch in House Bills that are pro-nurses here in our country? So where is the "Ang Nars Partylist? Nowhere.

Regarding election, I never voted for the people in power at our government so I doubt I have a role in our ailing system. For one thing, I refuse to be part of the disease by denying my participation to hospitals that require nurse volunteerism, including those in the guise of paid "training".

Specializes in Acute Care, Trauma, Critical Care, Psych.

It is all so easy to say something about anything while you haven't experienced first hand what it feels like to be the one doing all the work. No offense man but the fact that you never voted for anyone did not absolve you of anything, in fact, you seemingly just made it worse because your one vote had the chance to change things for the better but you opted not to. Don't call me ignorant while you yourself had the chance to do something but didn't. Would your wonderful rhetoric spiced with your whining do anything to change the whole situation for good? It wouldn't.

I know for a fact that RNHEALS had ended in 2013. We were the last batch of RNHEALS trainees. It was then replaced by Nurse Deployment Program which I think is better than RNHEALS because it pays better (Php 18,000.00 monthly).

Not knowing every single news about nurses doesn't make me ignorant. I am not supposed to know every single bit of information there is because I don't have so much time left after a hard, toxic and draining day at work. I have just been really busy of doing my job and for all you know, I know exactly what is happening as I am keeping my eyes wide open as I live that very plight Filipino Nurses go through everyday. I guess I am just really lucky to be employed by a city government who pays nurses well and gives generously to the hospital I work in.

I agree, there are still tons of things to be improved when it comes to the current situation of nurses in the country but find something really useful and helpful to do.

It's a common misconception that you have to experience something before you can understand it.

Second, there is a difference between "I never voted for the people in power at our government" vs. "I never voted at all". Your arrogance have lead to your failure in reading carefully. I did vote but I never voted for the ones who are in power right now.

Your arguments are flawed and self contradictory. You claim to agree with the injustices committed to Filipino nurses in our country and yet you continue kiss the gluteus maximus of our corrupt system. I've had enough of dealing with pretentious snobs back when I studied in medical school. Please don't add to the mix.

I understand that you like to see silver linings. I say it is only an illusion. As long as nurses are still treated as slaves in country, there will never be a happy ending to the greater whole. If you are truly sincere in your desire for change, then join us. We have banded along with several other organizations to have our voices heard and to demand the change long overdue in the Philippine Nursing Profession. Did you know that a Filipino Nurse, as stated by the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002, should be earning as much as Php25, 000? And yet, most of our colleagues earn way less than that, more so in private hospitals. If you are truly part of the cure rather than the disease, then be part of the struggle rather than passively waiting for things to change. Nothing ever happens in clinging on to mediocrity.

Specializes in Acute Care, Trauma, Critical Care, Psych.

If there is one thing that I truly despise, that would be mediocrity. I have never been comfortable on being mediocre in anything that I do. I am not self contradictory. You are. How could it be possible to vote for anyone without being able to vote for anyone who is currently in power? That sounds absurd as that would easily imply that every single candidate you voted for lost and wasn't elected to power.

I reckon you had been subjected to several maltreatment, unpleasant situations and what not and its all so easy to be bitter and stereotype everyone but you must not forget that there is what we call individuality. Not all Filipino Nurses in practice regardless of specialization and affiliation is what you think they are. While you call your lots meek sheep and slaves who do nothing and trying hard kiss ass, I have seen many who are truly dedicated and very passionate in what they do.

Filipino Nurses do not deserve to be stereotyped and labelled the way you do. The system, the government or everything around them maybe falling apart but that doesn't necessarily mean that these things happen because of their direct and deliberate actions. I still believe that Filipino Nurses are by far among the best ones the world ever had despite the limitations and bleak situation we have.

Hi Pacs, RN. I wasn't trying to be offensive in any way. I was just thinking that maybe to start a change in things you can start from the beginning which is with the future generation of student nurses. I was just trying to figure out a way to be helpful and hopeful for you. Don't give up on nursing because you seem so passionate about it. Your country needs passionate and caring nurses like you around. Maybe a group of you nurses can come together and call for a change with a peaceful protest/rally. I don't know what is happening in the Philippines, but I do hope it gets better for you and other nurses in your situation. Don't give up.

If there is one thing that I truly despise, that would be mediocrity. I have never been comfortable on being mediocre in anything that I do. I am not self contradictory. You are. How could it be possible to vote for anyone without being able to vote for anyone who is currently in power? That sounds absurd as that would easily imply that every single candidate you voted for lost and wasn't elected to power.

I reckon you had been subjected to several maltreatment, unpleasant situations and what not and its all so easy to be bitter and stereotype everyone but you must not forget that there is what we call individuality. Not all Filipino Nurses in practice regardless of specialization and affiliation is what you think they are. While you call your lots meek sheep and slaves who do nothing and trying hard kiss ass, I have seen many who are truly dedicated and very passionate in what they do.

Filipino Nurses do not deserve to be stereotyped and labelled the way you do. The system, the government or everything around them maybe falling apart but that doesn't necessarily mean that these things happen because of their direct and deliberate actions. I still believe that Filipino Nurses are by far among the best ones the world ever had despite the limitations and bleak situation we have.

Oh please, spare me your naivety. No spoony bard could spin such a sweeter tale...Tears then, for the world you see is beyond my weary sight.

Your mind is already set on believing that the people I voted for must be in consensus with everyone else. How narrow minded of you. You forget that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I'm guessing you never really paid attention to your history lessons back at school.

Projection won't help your case either. I expected you would've learned that already since you trained at the NCMH.

And since you never really addressed the problem, then you are part of the disease rather than the cure. It's as simple as that.

Hi Pacs RN. I wasn't trying to be offensive in any way. I was just thinking that maybe to start a change in things you can start from the beginning which is with the future generation of student nurses. I was just trying to figure out a way to be helpful and hopeful for you. Don't give up on nursing because you seem so passionate about it. Your country needs passionate and caring nurses like you around. Maybe a group of you nurses can come together and call for a change with a peaceful protest/rally. I don't know what is happening in the Philippines, but I do hope it gets better for you and other nurses in your situation. Don't give up.[/quote']

Don't worry. I took no offense at what you said. You were curious and it is normal in your position that you'd reply that I look for other opportunities in nursing here at my country. You are right in suggesting that we should start with our nursing students. That being said, it would really break my heart if they were to graduate into the real world and be crushed by the reality and pettiness of some of the orifice nurses in my country who are kissing the gluteus maximus of our broken health system.

I would like them to experience better things than what I had been exposed to rather than passing on the problems to them (Which I am sad to say, most Filipinos are good at: passing on problems to later generations). We do have a group here dedicated to fight for the rights of nurses here in my country. They're more like groups, actually. It's an uphill battle but at least they're trying. That's more than I can say regarding the apathetic majority. Thank you for caring enough to reply to my posts and for your words of encouragement. :)

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