NMC Test Online

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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Anyone here submitted two sitting IELTS result? Did you have a problem processing your NMC? My friend is asking. Thanks!

I know someone whose accounts were deleted twice. She called NMC but they told her to contact the IT department (or whatever that department is called) through email. She sent quite a number of emails but they seemed to have a misunderstanding because she kept getting responses pertaining to assessment stage but she haven't even taken CBT.

She almost gave up until i told her to create a new one. Because she fears she'll get the same rejection again, I created her account myself.

if your friend's problem is about creating an account with 2 ielts result, because the nmc portal do not have instructions for that.. here's what we did:

for ielts candidate number put - between the first and the second

same with ielts trf number

for the score just put the higher score. ex first sitting 6.5, second sitting 7 just put 7.

thanks for the tips í ½í±í ¼í¿¼

I know someone whose accounts were deleted twice. She called NMC but they told her to contact the IT department (or whatever that department is called) through email. She sent quite a number of emails but they seemed to have a misunderstanding because she kept getting responses pertaining to assessment stage but she haven't even taken CBT.

She almost gave up until i told her to create a new one. Because she fears she'll get the same rejection again, I created her account myself.

if your friend's problem is about creating an account with 2 ielts result, because the nmc portal do not have instructions for that.. here's what we did:

for ielts candidate number put - between the first and the second

same with ielts trf number

for the score just put the higher score. ex first sitting 6.5, second sitting 7 just put 7.

Thank you so much! I informed her about your response. :)

Just got my decision letter as well. All is good in Gods perfect time. Happy valentines day to all.

yes from day 1 according to her. Let's hope that our fate will be different from her. and yeah, it is so damn frustrating. :(

Hi just got my decision letter now. :)

Just got my decision letter as well. All is good in Gods perfect time. Happy valentines day to all.

That's good news! Did you contact NMC regarding the form that you resubmitted?

Hi guys my name is jun and I am sad to say that I had failed my CBT twice and I needed to wait for 6 months in order to retake again.. Do you have any good tips for me? Does anyone of you have more materials to review aside royal marsden and the blueprint? Any help would be so much appreciated.. Thannks! :)

Hi mate sorry to hear that. May I suggest you take a look at the nmc code, nmc medicines management, basic drug and IV calculations, and some basic medical surgical topics....these were what helped me in my exam

Hope you pass your exam soon :D

Hi guys my name is jun and I am sad to say that I had failed my CBT twice and I needed to wait for 6 months in order to retake again.. Do you have any good tips for me? Does anyone of you have more materials to review aside royal marsden and the blueprint? Any help would be so much appreciated.. Thannks! :)

Memorize NMC CODE by heart.

read the articles on the NMC website esp safeguarding of medications, escalating issues.. read as much as you can.

ALWAYS PRIORITISE PATIENT. Not the hospital, not the nurse. Always choose patient, patient, patient.

Good luck!

i will try to go all over them thanks!

Hi just got my decision letter now. :)

Wow congratulations! so happy for you and I feel bad for myself haha! hope i get mine soon. Do you mind sharing your timeline including the resubmission? thanks!!

Congrats cebu_nurse :)

Just got my decision letter as well. All is good in Gods perfect time. Happy valentines day to all.
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