Nmc application: Employment gap

World Registration

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Good day fellow nurses!

I'm an aspirant nurse for UK and I really need help or some advice from you who share the same experience with me or have knowledge about my concern.

I just received an email today (NOV 27, 2017) from an NMC assessor and he/she asked me to re-submit my application after I comply with this:

Employment Gap - Applicant must declare by way of declaration if she has undertaken any work as a nurse (unregistered or registered) during the following periods: June 2016 - Present. In this declaration, applicant must also confirm whether she has resided in any country, other than the Philippines, for period of 3 months or longer over the age of 18. Applicant should submit this information as a Self-Declaration or a Curriculum Vitae (C.V/Resume). This should be uploaded to the Portal as 'Additional I.D'. Any gaps in employment should also be noted.


I resigned from my previous work last June 2016 and never had or applied for work after that. So, I have been unemployed for 1 year and 5 months now.


1. Will my employment gap affect my NMC application? Or, will they just ask an explanation/declaration from me about my work gap?

2. If you experienced the same, how did you proceed with your application?

I would highly appreciate your feedback. Thank you and may God bless you.

hi! can you also send me a sample of your employment gap letter? thank you in advance.

Thank you í ½í¸Š

Yes I shall. Kindly email me

Employment Gap - Applicant must declare by way of declaration if she has undertaken any work as a nurse (unregistered or registered) during the following periods: June 2016 - Present. In this declaration, applicant must also confirm whether she has resided in any country, other than the Philippines, for period of 3 months or longer over the age of 18. Applicant should submit this information as a Self-Declaration or a Curriculum Vitae (C.V/Resume). This should be uploaded to the Portal as 'Additional I.D'. Any gaps in employment should also be noted.

this may sound silly, but i cannot seem to find any addtional id options for uploading my cv and or self declaration gap years. please advise as to where i can find it in my portal.

Hi! Do you have a sample CV with employment gap explanation? I already have my DL last May 23 but the assessor is asking me to send her my CV via email , there's no need for me to upload anything at the portal.

babymallows said:
Thank you for your response that was really helpful because I'm really worried about my work gap. I still need to take CBT next month and hoping that evrything will be fine.Thank you again and goodluck!

Hi! Any news from your application? I am currently waiting for my application too. I'm bound for Watford General Hospital, by the way.

Hi there! I'm still completing my requirements for assessment. How about you? What stage are you in your application?

babymallows said:
Hi there! I'm still completing my requirements for assessment. How about you? What stage are you in your application?

Now I'm waiting for the assessor's feedback. This waiting is making me so anxious. Jeez.

Sparkdelino said:
Now I'm waiting for the assessor's feedback. This waiting is making me so anxious. Jeez.

Do you also have a work gap?

babymallows said:
Do you also have a work gap?

Yes, I do. More than a year, in fact. I uploaded my cv with the explanation letter in it regarding the gap. No reply yet. That's why all the anxiety is building up as the days pass. No reply from my assessor as well, but I just kept on praying. As we, ex saudi nurses would always say: Inshaallah or in God's perfect time.

Sparkdelino said:
Yes, I do. More than a year, in fact. I uploaded my cv with the explanation letter in it regarding the gap. No reply yet. That's why all the anxiety is building up as the days pass. No reply from my assessor as well, but I just kept on praying. As we, ex saudi nurses would always say: Inshaallah or in God's perfect time.

Did they asked you to upload your CV?

babymallows said:
Did they asked you to upload your CV?

Yes. How was your cbt last month? Are you on queue already?

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