i am peanut, 22 years old and an RN from the Philippines. I currently hold a license from the State of Vermont and I am going to apply for a licensure by endorsement in NJBON.. now, my dilemma is i am still here in the philippines, i read the post about if you're not subjecting yourself for a livescan, it takes about 3-4 months for the process? I am now awaiting for my packet 4 which i don't have any idea when will it arrive,
my packet 3 has been completed last jan.24,2006. I still don't have my SSS no. since my agent will be forwarding it together with the packet. Can I ask for your advice on what shall i do? should i file it already while here in the phils. or just there in NJ? How about the license verification? Shall I use the nursys? VT is included. I hope you can shed light to my queries.
thank you very much.
it's me,
Peanut Cecilio:monkeydance:
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