Published Jun 21, 2016
8 Posts
I start my very first RN job in less than a month on night shift. I thought nights would work best with my kids, but now Im not so sure. Its a 7p-7a and my husband normally leaves for work by 0430, 0500. I have one kid that needs to get on the bus at 0645 and the other at 0730. They are only 11 and 9, so not sure I trust them getting up and ready by themselves. What was I thinking?!?! I dont know how this is going to work, but I am super excited with this job and the team on the floor!!
Anyone have suggestion for a first time nurse on nights? Those with school age kids, how do you make it work? My goal is to work weekends, but then they will be home while I need sleep! Thanks so much!!
200 Posts
Keep in mind that even with a 15 minute commute, you likely won't be home until 8am or later. You definitely aren't out the door at 7am.
As for general night shift advice, stock up on ear plugs, eye mask, black out curtains, noise machines, etc. I know many night nurses who make it work with kids - that being said, I don't have them, so I can't give you specific advice in that arena.
NightNerd, MSN, RN
1,130 Posts
It sounds like there will certainly be a gap if you do work on weekdays. Any chance there is a responsible high school or college student in the neighborhood? I used to help a family who had elementary school age kids by going over at 5 am and seeing them off to school - nice easy money for me, peace of mind for mom and dad.
Did you get hired for weekends? I looooove working weekends. Some people like to trade off, but some are very possessive of their weekend time, so unless you were specifically hired for that, you unfortunately can't count on having all your hours over the weekend.
Nights are amazing! To sleep in preparation for your shifts and afterward, black out curtains, white noise, cool dark room, etc. are very helpful. To stay awake, bring healthy, crunchy foods, drink lots of water, and walk when you start to get groggy.
Thanks. I wasn't hired specifically for weekends but I discussed it. They do self scheduling there and only a few are grandfathered in for the Baylor shift. So I'm not depending on getting just weekends but just a thought.