New TEAS V Science Section


Has anyone taken the latest version, the TEAS V? My test is coming up April 6. I have the ATI version V study guide, and the McGraw Hill book.

What should I be sure to study when it comes to the latest version of the test?

Do you recall any areas that I should really focus my studying?

Focus on decimals and percents, the metric system.. Like kg into lbs, cm into inches, basic chemistry like atomic number,sentence structure.. That's what I had problems with the most.

I found a really nice tutorial on balancing chemical equations, as well as some worksheets for practice.

Hey Myrrh924

Could you include the link for the chemical equation

I am going to do my test tom...:)

.....the reading part is easy....but the SCIENCE!!!!! :eek: I am freakin out people!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

I just took the test for the first time yesterday and did fantastic on the real thing! The practice tests in the ATI study guide was a different story though. Read through and do the practice problems in the book but don't panic if you don't do very well on the practice test(s).

The science was VERY difficult but the stuff in the study guide is good to read up on. My version of the test had one equation to balance and alot on cells and biology questions. The math, english and reading was a breeze!

Good luck to everyone who still needs to take it!

One thing that's a little confusing to me: The ATI manual for the TEAS V gives you a breakdown of the questions from each of sections - Science is 48 questions total with 11 on Scientific Reasoning, 15 on Human Body Science, 14 on Life Science, and 8 on Earth & Physical science. From what ppl are saying, it sounds like these numbers aren't correct and that there's a lot more Earth & Phys science like chem and physics. Or maybe it just feels like there are a lot more from one category b/c you might not know much from that category??

Specializes in OB/GYN.

ITA agree about the ATI book being different from the test. I have the 4.0 ATI study guide and I do not have the money to buy the 5.0 study guide. My girlfriend bought the McGraw Hill book for me to study but I am like everyone else.... I am freaking out:eek: I see all of the schools are going to the 5.0 TEAS test and I just want to know what is the score needed because I am not good with MATH!!! I take my test next month so pray for me.:redbeathe

One thing that's a little confusing to me: The ATI manual for the TEAS V gives you a breakdown of the questions from each of sections - Science is 48 questions total with 11 on Scientific Reasoning, 15 on Human Body Science, 14 on Life Science, and 8 on Earth & Physical science. From what ppl are saying, it sounds like these numbers aren't correct and that there's a lot more Earth & Phys science like chem and physics. Or maybe it just feels like there are a lot more from one category b/c you might not know much from that category??

I thought I would do poorly in Science (v. 5) - I was a nervous wreck, but I read for a week, mostly gen micro, gen anatomy/physiology, basics of chem, and basics of physics. I did not study for 2 days before the test because I was afraid of mental block, and for some reason it worked. I was pleasantly surprised with my Science score. I only used the McGraw Hill and NLN cd I borrowed from the library. Goodluck.

from what iv been told the new version doesnt start untill after 9/10

WOW so from what i have read from everyone else this new version V is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy harder than the 3.0 version. my school will be changing to this version in sept and i will be taking my test in october. any advice on what i should study for the science section? anything helps. :eek:

Buy the study manual for the TEAS version V, go carefully through the entire book, that will help a looottt!

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