New Student Anxiety: So I got some of my textbooks...

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and wow, do I have a lot to learn (1st semester nursing program)! I hope that eventually I will fall into a "groove" and all this material will come together and make sense. But right now it might as well be a foreign language.

More anxiety: We have to watch videos outside of class. I was hoping to go when my son is in preschool in the mornings, but the nursing lab isn't open then. So, guess I'll be going at night...I hate to take away from any more "family time" than I already am though.

Still more anxiety: I hope I will like my classmates. I hope they will like me. I've always been kind of shy and I know no one in my program so this is making me a bit nervous.

And now, the silliest thing of all: I feel like a big old fake! I have a brand-new stethoscope and I've never even used a stethoscope before. I have new scrubs and new shoes and it's going to make me look like I know what I'm doing but I don't!

No one can possibly be more of a newbie to the healthcare field than me.

But they wouldn't have accepted me if they thought I didn't have what it takes. And I have no bad habits or shortcuts to unlearn.

Taking deep breaths now...thanks for listening. I hope that in a month or so I can look back and laugh about my feelings right now!

You are gonna be fine.....promise.

And everyone will like you....promise.

and you may look fake, but you will learn what you are doing....promise.

Hang in there kiddo~ I think we've all been in your shoes at one time or another!

(I'm wearing new scrubs and new shoes to work tonight...I've passed the LPN program and I still don't know what I'm doing! ;))

Best of everything to you....

Julie :)

Geez..reading your post brought back a flood of memories....LOL

i have gone from CNA to LPN and now am in my last year for my RN. Each one has brought on a new growth of butterflies.

Nobody expects you to "know" everything...The people who act as if they do are the most irritating of all. I don't ever expect to know everything, but I can always learn & adapt & you will too!!

Good Luck & happy learning!! Always remember that you are valuable and needed!!

All I can say is YIKES!!Good luck to you and all of us for that matter.

Yesterday I put on my scrubs, my O.R cap (that I made) and I slung my Stethoscope around my neck, I looked damned good! Scrubs are so sexy...that's the only reason I'm getting into nursing (lol).

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