New RN- thinking of quitting and going to another hospital- but in orientation- HELP!


Hello fellow nurses!

I need some advice. I recently graduated RN school and had 2 job opportunities. One hospital is closer to home, but smaller and is union, the other is a larger hospital (was my 1st choice) and is a little further from home-(about 21 miles).

I interviewed for my 1st choice hospital back in February and was very excited and pleased with how things are set up, how things run, just the overall atmosphere of the hospital was very attractive to me. I was offered a job on a telemetry floor- full time- night shift. I accepted the job, but was unable to start until I got my temporary license (so said HR)even though the person I interviewed with suggested that I go ahead and come on board as an extern.

So, due to financial reasons, I took the job at my 2nd choice because they were willing to start me shortly after school as an extern to get me used to the unit, etc. Downfalls to this hospital are many- it is union and some may view that as good, but as I'm unsure of how this all works, the things I'm hearing are not good- for example- I'm told that I can get bumped out of positions by someone of higher seniority. The employees are not happy with their jobs, most simply stay because they have been there so long. Also, I am unsure as to what unit I will be working on, what shift, if I will be "relief" and work various shifts as needed to cover. Also, the pay is a little less, and I was told that I would be making about 2 more dollars on the hour than what I will actually be making.

I don't know what to do. I've only been there for a couple of weeks and have only been following around nurses aide's, not working with nurses and learning any paperwork, etc. I finally have my temporary license and have not told my 1st choice hospital that I will not be coming there, so I still have that as an option.

I just don't feel that I will be happy if I stay at this hospital, but at the same time, think it's poor practice to leave during orientation.

Any advice??


Specializes in SDU, Tele, Hospice, Radiology, Education.
I just don't feel that I will be happy if I stay at this hospital, but at the same time, think it's poor practice to leave during orientation.

Any advice??


I think you answered it yourself- you won't be happy there. Yes, it is frowned on to leave a job during orientation, but you don't need to be miserable. I am actually in a similar position right now and I chose to contact our new hire liason to see if they could place me elsewhere. Don't be miserable. I made the mistake of letting myself be miserable for 10 months before I left that position and I won't do it again. I think, for me, it skewed my view of bedside nursing and I hate it now.

Specializes in anything that I had my clinicals in.

My friend from nursing school started at this hospital on orientation and knew it was not right for her so two weeks into it she quit. Now she works at a different hospital and likes it. Please don't stay there if it is not going to make you happy. Nursing is hard anyways and staying at a place that you know is not going to make you happy maybe will make it so you don't like nursing even. I've been a nurse for 7 months now and I like it.... but the floor I am on is not for me. I will stick out the year because it is good experience but if you are not getting a good experience and just walking around with cna's what is that going to do for your career, nothing! Go with your gut instincts and RUN and don't look back. Go for the place that you want to work at. Take care and good luck in your career :)

It is not a good idea to leave during orientation but it would be worse to stay and grow more and more unhappy as time wears on. You give many reasons why you don't feel comfortable, one of them being that you are not even following nurses around. You should go with your instinct and change jobs now before you are stuck with your decision. Try to do it as soon as possible and be gracious when you leave. You never know when you might have to attempt to return and you want to keep that door from being barred shut. Good luck in your new position.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I am meeting with my 1st choice hospital HR guy tomorrow to make sure that I am making the right decision. I think once I speak to him, my gut instinct will let me know if it's right or not.

I had a better day today and have finally been put with a nurse. Thing is- I won't be with the same one throughout my orientation. I was told in school that I would and that concerns me too. The other hospital does that. Also, I'm not just orientating to one unit- I'm going all over the hospital which is very frustrating because I don't know where I'll end up and may not be proficient in that area.

I guess I'll make my decision for sure tomorrow. Any advice on quitting this early? Like about what I should say--- LTMJA what did you friend say or do when they quit?

Thanks for the advice everyone. I am meeting with my 1st choice hospital HR guy tomorrow to make sure that I am making the right decision. I think once I speak to him, my gut instinct will let me know if it's right or not.

I had a better day today and have finally been put with a nurse. Thing is- I won't be with the same one throughout my orientation. I was told in school that I would and that concerns me too. The other hospital does that. Also, I'm not just orientating to one unit- I'm going all over the hospital which is very frustrating because I don't know where I'll end up and may not be proficient in that area.

I guess I'll make my decision for sure tomorrow. Any advice on quitting this early? Like about what I should say--- LTMJA what did you friend say or do when they quit?

I've quit enough jobs early on in my career that I should be able to help you with this. Just ask to meet with your manager for a few minutes. Say that you've given it a lot of thought and you just don't believe that this position is going to work out for you and you wanted to let them know as soon as possible, before you got too far into orientation. You should mention some of your concerns, especially those regarding the difference in pay that you were supposed to be getting and the orientation that is not as you expected. If you don't feel comfortable bringing up these issues, just say that you've found another position that will be a better fit. Thank the manager for the opportunity and the learning experiences that he/she has provided for you. Offer to give a notice, but they likely will not want you to do that since you are still in orientation. Make sure that you do bring a resignation letter with you.

Don't feel bad about quitting. I can guarantee that the manager will not lose sleep over it and he/she will not take it personally. Unfortunately, it is likely that they view you as little more than a warm body to fill a staffing slot. It's actually a good thing that you are quitting early in your orientation because it is less money that they have spent to train you. Your manager should understand that you need to do what is best for you.

I agree....if you have a bad gut feeling, it's better to leave now then when orientation is over. THe hospital spends a lot of money orienting new staff, especially new nurses, so they'll be happier if you leave now rather than a few months from now. If you dont have much (or any) experience as a nurse and they want to float you all over the hospital and are being very vague with where you'll actually be working, then there's a good chance you're getting screwed over. As a new nurse you want to be on one unit so you can gain experience and confidence. You do not have the experience to do lots of different jobs - that roles is for well seasoned nurses who've done lots of different jobs. It sounds like they are taking advantage of you being new in this field. If you can afford to leave, find something else. Trust your gut! Good luck.

Its good to know that others have left and found happiness in the work place. I had a horrible orientation, never got properly trained, had pt's on my own from day one and had a preceptor who made it her job to belittle me and try to get me fired b/c of personality incompatibility. I am still in the job... interviewed at another hospital and then they talked me into staying so thinking it would get better i did. Going on 6 months now and am absolutely hating it still. Problem is I hired into Mother-Baby in hopes of getting Labor/Delivery and now can't find openings in these areas for new grads and am having trouble getting respect from other areas b/c of current position. ANY advice would be GREAT!!



How did it go did you end up changing hospitals? I had a similiar experience but haven't had the courage to find another position yet. My preceptor was horrible, they didn't train me, I had pt's from day one, was promised to move over from Mother-Baby to L/D and given the speel that that hire w/in first, need to start in Mother/Baby and then they hired a doula!!! I am miserable and need to know that it worked from someone else to change. Best of Luck to you. Hope you find a good fit for you and get out of there sounds like a hospital that does not value you as an employee.


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