New to Oncology / First Inpatient Job

Specialties Oncology


Specializes in Pediatric Home Health.

Hi all, 

Just accepted my first position inpatient after working in Pediatric Home Care for 4 years.  The position is on a med/surg oncology unit (more medical) and I start in
October.  This is a whole new world for me (switching from peds home care to adult inpatient oncology) and though very excited, I am also super nervous.  I went into nursing to pursue oncology after my dad lost his fight at a young age, so to be offered this position is an honor and one I cannot wait to start.  Any advice would be great on what to expect and what I could read up on to prepare myself.  Also, any materials I could use during my orientation phase to help me better navigate and organize my patient load as now I am going from 1:1 to 1:4. ?

Specializes in Oncology, ID, Hepatology, Occy Health.

This British documentary from the well-respected Panorama series is extremely well done, gives an insight into some of the newer treatments and some patient perspectives.


I'd say you've started in the right place since there are some excellent, informative threads in this very section.

Don't stress trying to know everything before you start as you'll learn on the job, however if you're not familair with chemo, port-a-caths or PCA pumps I'd say read up a little on them beforehand just so you have an idea.

1:4 is a good ratio. These patients need time. You'll soon learn how to prioritise according to pain relief, chemo protocols etc. My golden rule is to prioritise the slow release morphines/oxycodones which are given twice a day. We do them at 8h and 20h and I find if you're on the dot with them you'll get less call bells for breakthrough pain later. If your anti-nausea meds are prescribed "as required" rather than part of a protocol then give them before meals or before chemo - you'll be less solicited afterwards. Verify your chemos and prepare your pre and post hydrations in advance and you won't be caught on the hop.

You've chosen a very rewarding speciality. Best of luck.

On 8/27/2020 at 2:21 AM, brownm27 said:

Hi all, 

Just accepted my first position inpatient after working in Pediatric Home Care for 4 years.  The position is on a med/surg oncology unit (more medical) and I start in
October.  This is a whole new world for me (switching from peds home care to adult inpatient oncology) and though very excited, I am also super nervous.  I went into nursing to pursue oncology after my dad lost his fight at a young age, so to be offered this position is an honor and one I cannot wait to start.  Any advice would be great on what to expect and what I could read up on to prepare myself.  Also, any materials I could use during my orientation phase to help me better navigate and organize my patient load as now I am going from 1:1 to 1:4. ?

Hi! I am in the same boat and am wondering if you have any advice? I just accepted an offer to work on a Leukemia unit, night shift with a patient load of I'm assuming 1:5-1:6. Previously, I was doing pediatric home health for 3.5 years! I am super nervous and feel as if my knowledge is lacking, as I was not able to complete an oncology clinical rotation during covid of last year, the time it was designated for. If you could give me any advice it would be so appreciated ❤️ 

Specializes in Oncology, ID, Hepatology, Occy Health.
On 8/10/2021 at 7:01 AM, newnursefall21 said:

Hi! I am in the same boat and am wondering if you have any advice? I just accepted an offer to work on a Leukemia unit, night shift with a patient load of I'm assuming 1:5-1:6. Previously, I was doing pediatric home health for 3.5 years! I am super nervous and feel as if my knowledge is lacking, as I was not able to complete an oncology clinical rotation during covid of last year, the time it was designated for. If you could give me any advice it would be so appreciated ❤️ 

I echo what I said above - don't stress trying to know everything before you start. Make the most of your orientation period - ask questions left right and centre.

Invest in a good haematology textbook to have as a reference. And you'll learn as you go along.

Best of luck.

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