Hello everyone! I am a new nurse practitioner and have been offered my first job in a general medicine outpatient clinic. I will be seeing 15-20 patients daily (at my max) and there are a few others nps and physicians who work there. Salary and benefits seem great (everything paid, 5 weeks vacation, salary 100k + productivity)
Thing is, I am terrified. I feel like I wont know what to do when I see patients. Even if I have a vague idea of what to order I feel like I might miss something. like if someone comes in with high BP, maybe I prescribe an ace inhibitor but what if I should have also done a more thorough workup for hidden causes? If I tell someone to put hydrocortisone on a rash when I should have checked for another disease? I feel like I just need access to big book of guidelines to help me get started. Can anyone help?
1. What's a good resource book or website that can help me follow best care guidelines for patients so I don't miss anything?
2. Does anyone else feel this way at first? Aren't you scared of really screwing up and losing your license? Does it get better? What's the best way to gain confidence?
I'm freaking out, sick to my stomach about starting next week. Need advice please!