New NP mistake

Specialties NP


Prior to being an NP I was an ICU/CVICU nurse for 6 years and felt I was good at it. I went into ER and have worked 5 shifts so far.... I love it so much but I made a mistake and got yelled at already... I feel so so stupid and don't know what to do now!! I need some advice please...

Condensed story....I had a patient that needed admitted for IV clindamycin for a periodontal abcess that was crazy....So I went to the dr and told him all her symptoms and my plan.... He said "is there trismus" and I said "excuse me" and he said it again.... And stupid me said "no... She has" blah blah and said all her symptoms again. Then he said "do you know what trismus means" and I said "no but I'm going to look it up" and he said wasn't happy. He said "never ever answer a question without being 100% sure of the answer, this makes me not want to trust you". I mean I was wrong, I don't know why I even said no, I panicked and was nervous. Now I'm so worried to work with him again.


The only thing that keeps me asking "what is that?" or saying, "I don't know" is that I am more afraid of harming my patient than I am of embarrassing myself. And believe me, I HATE embarrassing myself! It's just easier to tuck my ego away when someone's health is at stake. Don't sweat this one incident. The physician will probably forget it long before you do and it sounds like you took it to heart. Just show him how thorough you are at every opportunity and he will forget it faster!

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